Thursday, December 19, 2024

LMOH: Sending a Kind Word

I know I already posted about the joys of getting a holiday card, and how it's like unwrapping a surprise gift (which we rarely get as an adult).  Well, you know another form of that that doesn't have to wait for the once-a-year moment?  Sending a thank you note.  Yes, a hand-written Thank You card is always great, but even a thank you text or email - letting someone know what a great job they did - means the world.  Feel like going the extra mile?  If it's work related, send the compliment to that person's boss and blind copy (e.g. BCC) the person.  It's rare that a boss hears the 'good' things.  Most of the time when they are looped in it's because of complaints.  So this has the added benefit of helping the person out (1) work wise b/c their boss now knows they did something appreciated and (2) personally, because people do more who feel appreciated.  

Hopefully you get a chance to thank someone soon.  And even maybe get one yourself!  Cheers!

Friday, December 13, 2024

New Post Categories - Streamlining the Experience

 Ok, so I realized that I have a lot of interests, and I enjoy sharing thoughts and insight with you all on an array of topics.  That said, when I take a step back and think about the "array" it's possible to narrow the topics into 3 categories, and moving forward I will be doing that to help you all have a more positive interaction with my posts by knowing right away what the topic covers!

So what I will do is put in the title one of the following:

- Food: (these topics will cover food items such as recipes, thoughts, experiences, etc)

- LMOH: (Short for Little Moments of Happiness - cementing my belief that life's joy or moments of awe and inspiration can happen in the littlest of things or events.)

- AOT: (All Other Thoughts - delving into the other areas of  intrigue, query, curiosity, and thought, helping to showcase well-roundedness and interest in all potential facets of life).

I hope that this new mechanism of categorization helps improve your experience in following and returning to my blog!  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Joy of Holiday Cards

Growing up I never fully appreciated holiday cards, but as an adult, it's become a little magical, getting this individually wrapped surprise gift in the mail.  Maybe it's just me, but I don't get a lot of good surprises in the mail, lest as an adult in general, so I've come to find this little cardboard of happiness is really just that - happy!

We even have a card holder so we can display them until after the holiday season is over.  Some people splurge on fancy, double sided photo cards.  Others send canned cards you might find at any holiday store.  Doesn't matter.  I love putting them on the card holder all the same.  (Except glitter.  Please don't send me glitter.  That stuff never comes off!)

So I have to admit, knowing how much I enjoy getting holiday cards, it always makes me smile to hear from those who receive ours that they, too, brought a smile to their faces.

Never underestimate the power of a kind, little gesture.  We could all use a few more of them, I'm sure, and they always mean the world.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Remember Gratitude

 I see a lot of memes and gifs about how stressful 2024 has been and how it appears the end of the road maybe isn't near.  I'd probably agree to an extent.  Lately I've been very stressed.  Sure, I have some coping mechanisms (deep breathing, listening to the sounds of the ocean, vegging out in front of the TV likely to something I've already seen so it doesn't give me more anxiety, walking, etc etc), but one thing I find always kind of resets my brain is focusing on the things for which I am grateful.

If you've done this before, you're probably nodding along.  Things like Gratitude Journals now exist in the common vernacular in a way they didn't even 10 or 20 years ago.  If you're not used to thinking or speaking aloud the things that make you grateful, you're probably rolling your eyes a bit or going "yeah, sure."  But, no, really! There's even science behind it!

Expressing gratitude actually helps wire the brain to focus more on the good in your life.  So when you're feeling particularly stressed, frustrated, annoyed, or even low... after a good vent (because who doesn't love a good venting session?!)... make sure to say aloud (or at least to yourself) at least one thing you're grateful for.  It doesn't even have to be big.  It can be as simple as "I had coffee this morning".  But you get the idea.  

Feeling adventurous?? Go for three things you're grateful for, if you can!  Heck, even five!!  The point is, it helps.  Really.  And you might find yourself even smiling (but shhh, that can be our little secret).