Now, I am both an Elton John and Lady Gaga fan. I grew up listening to Elton John with my parents and sang along to his cranked up music in the car. I will admit that. I will also happily admit that I am completely obsessed with the new wonder woman herself. Whilst she did not win any Grammy Awards herself that night, her coupling with the legend himself introduced a new era for the singer, proving she is not only a capable performer - holding her own both vocally and instrumentally on the piano - but also an icon who has proclaimed herself as here-to-stay. I may also suggest that, having collaborated with Sir Elton John at the Grammy's may signal that others in the music industry also expect Lady Gaga to have a long-lasting and influential career.
Her other performances of the night included "Bad Romance" and an array of ever changing, camera-worthy outfits. (personally, I would not have enjoyed sitting behind the ice hat). Lady Gaga will not only influence the music industry, (she recently released her own brand of headphones, "Heartbeats", a collaborative effort of herself and Dr. Dre), but she will extend her influence into fashion. Maybe when I have $99 to spend on them, I will follow up with how well they work (unless, of course, someone wants to voluntarily get me a pair?? Anyone? Anyone???)
Either way, theirs was a much enjoyed performance. .....I wonder when the duet will be available on iTunes. Then, I can listen to it with my new headphones. :-)