But what if we made just one list? The list. Our most important list. What if we made a list of the things we wanted to accomplish most? Maybe it's what we want to accomplish most in life. Maybe it's what we want to accomplish by the time we're 50, or 30, or 75. Maybe it's what we want to accomplish before we have kids or get married. Regardless of the parameters or technicalities, this list is the hardest, most important, and most valuable list we can make. Why? Because it shows us the true nature of our deepest desires and goals in life.
This book addresses such a list. I discovered this book during a mad Barnes & Noble reading rampage I went through this past summer. Being 24, I found this book appealing because it the story about the things a girl (Marissa) wants to accomplish before she's 25 years old. The twist? Marissa dies in car crash and June, the other girl in the car, makes the commitment to accomplish all 20 things on Marissa's list before Marissa's 25 birthday. It's fun, witty, an easy read, and a book that makes you reflect on your own goals in life. It's a truly wonderful book.
So, I ask you, do you have a list? Have you taken the time to really think about what you want most out of life? Are you on the path to accomplishing your dreams? If you lost your way or haven't started a list, maybe you should. Take a moment to be honest with yourself, reevaluate your life, and learn about those things that make you who you are and make you proud to be you. I made one. I actually made it before I even knew about this book, but I made one. It's saved, a reminder to myself of the directions in which I want my life to go, especially in those harder or more trying times in life. But regardless, it's there, all nice and numerically arranged.
It's like paint by number, except for your life. So here's to the greatest "1,2,3"s you'll ever write!
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