Sunday, December 29, 2013

Welcome, Ein!

We are officially welcoming home Ein, our newest family member and four month old Pembroke Welsh Corgi! 
We drove to Ohio the other morning to meet the breeder and pick him up, and omg!  What an amazing dog!  Even the breeder was sad to see him go she loved him so much.  And he is a doll, a totally amazing dog.  The whole ride home he hung out quietly (some of that due to sleeping!) in the back seat with my husband, not making a fuss at all!  Even when we got home he was great.  And having never owned a Corgi before, I was surprised by how smart he was.  Those of you with Corgis may be shaking your head by that completely obvious fact, but I was stunned.

The other thing that really impressed both my husband and myself, is how amazing the dog is simply because he spent his first 4 months with his breeder and their family.  There is something to be said for the training dogs receive when they learn to live with a pack, for one, and learn proper training from a young age - including potty training and crate training.  Wow.  Absolutely, 1000% recommending buying from a breeder.  But do your homework.  NOT a "for sale" breeder, but a breeder that doesn't breed often, is picky about which dog is placed with you, and wants to stay in contact.  That is a good start to knowing you have a good breeder.  And ours was GREAT!

Day 2 and so far Ein is happy and adjusting well.  We often find him lying spread eagle on his back while he sleeps or plays with a toy.  It's super cute.  And we are super excited to share more in the future!

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Have you ever felt that moment of pure pleasure when something you've been hoping and waiting for finally comes to pass?  You want to jump out of your seat, shout, high five the world, and yet smile so wide your face could fall off.  That was 10am this morning when my husband and I received an email from the breeder we had been speaking with for the last 3 months.  We have a puppy!

Thinking this is silly?  Maybe you are like the wonderful many people who adopt from a humane society.  (I used to volunteer at one in college and it was the happiest moment for us when one of our dogs got a new home)  Maybe some of you purchase dogs from pet stores, which most of us working for humane societies abhor for the fact they promote puppy mills.  But back to the point.  :-)  We have wanted a corgi for about a year and about three months ago we finally decided to start the hunt, knowing that breeders don't always have puppies and good breeders take such pride in placing their pups that you don't always get one even if they have puppies, and that's how ours was.  She was very cautious to let us know that she did have three litters, but that she places based on location, personality, and lifestyle, and she wasn't sure if she'd have one who would fit.  After more discussion we had narrowed down our selections and decided that one of her male pups would be perfect, but the only problem was that she wanted to potentially keep it and breed /show it.  So thus became the waiting game, and hoping that she would feel placing the puppy with us would be more advantageous. 

Two months passed, and we started to think maybe it wasn't going to work for us yet and that we would  be back on the waiting list.  Until this morning, that is!  That email was the best email ever!  I have a small understanding and great appreciation for people who look to adopt children, because I know that process is even more cumbersome.

So while we got ourselves a Christmas puppy, we knew the waiting would pay off.  So to all of you either in a similar place or nodding knowing what this process was like, cheers to you and your wonderful (and now furry) family!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

EBates! - Power of Referrals

It's official, my husband and I are Ebates shoppers! 

Haven't heard of EBates?  It's basically a "Paid to shop online" portal where once on the website, you can click on any major retailer and shop online through them.  The best part though, is, so long as you're logged onto the partner's site through EBates, you'll earn CASH back on your purchase.  For example, we just bought our holiday gift cards through there at 3% cash back!  AWESOME!

Even better?  There are referral bonuses.  So now you can tell friends about the benefits of shopping online and actually get "thank you" checks from EBates just for the referral! 

I mean, you're going to go shopping anyways, right?  Might as well get paid for it!  Think of everything from Nordstroms and Macy's to Pier 1 and Home Depot, even Walgreens and Sam's Club!  WOW!

So check it out for yourself.  Go to and let them know I sent you! 
Stephanie Caprini

And ENJOY getting PAID to do what we already love doing!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Spanish Teacher Gifts

Need some great ideas for teacher gifts that won't break the bank?

Here's a great one!  For the Spanish teacher at your school:

Quotes in Spanish!!!!  And you choose: By Theme or By Grammar Topic!

Happy gifting and happiest of holidays.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Christmas's First Snow

It's official!  Chicago has just welcomed it's first snow of the season!  And if you're like me, you're cringing at the "!" at the end of the last sentence!  No, I am not a snow person.  I'm not a snow bunny, and I don't look forward to making snow people: round, angelic, or otherwise!  However, there is something to be said about a night without wind where the snow falls in a ways that's almost magical.

My husband and I have been sitting on our couch looking out and watching it pass the streetlight near our patio.  The wind earlier in the day was brutal, but now that it's stopped the falling snow is so serene that it's almost as peaceful to watch as the waves are to listen to.  There's a sobriety to the falling snow that fills you with merriment knowing the holidays are upon  you and calmness to realize that nature can be truly beautiful. 

So if you haven't taken 5 minutes to sit and watch the falling snow in quiet, I challenge you to do so!  Let your time measure be the falling snowflakes and take in the beauty and serenity that the early part of this season can bring!  Plus, it's always a great excuse for some home-made hot cocoa!!

You're Doing Okay!

I went to my friend's wedding this weekend.  So fun!  Who doesn't love a good wedding with photo booth, father-daughter multi-song bananza, and just absolutely beautiful holiday decor?  Right.  So it was amazing.  However, one thing I did realize is that weddings are also a time where people not only catch up, but can also get "caught up" in the "so tell me about your life" question.  It seems it's positioning us to "highlight" reel the last 3 months, 2 years, or even 10 years (depending!) 

Be careful in listening to those highlight reels.  Remember that they are just that:  highlights.  I once heard someone say "Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone's highlight reel," because the reality is they don't ever look the same.  Most people don't delve into the mundane, the worries, and the frustrations they encounter in everyday life when they are trying to just fill you in on their last (insert number here) years.  And it's thereby unfair to judge your life against it, even if it may be tempting or second-nature.

If you find yourself comparing anyways and feeling down about your seemingly not "up to par" reality, try this:  write your highlight reel.  Or if that's not doing it for you, step into someone shoes and objectively ask yourself, "What could they be jealous of that I've done."  Maybe you have a new baby or a new house.  Maybe you paid off a loan.  Maybe you are committed to being healthier or took a trip.  It sounds terrible to say "what could someone be jealous of that you have?" but sometimes we don't realize just how special we are or just how well we are doing.  Why is that?  Because we live it every day!  We don't always see the forest through our own trees. 

So remember, You're doing okay!  Smile.  Laugh.  And if you're just frustrated that you're not where you thought you'd be at this point in your life, the nice thing is you can always reassess and adjust.  Nothing is so set in stone that it is unmovable. So take it all with a grain of salt and reward yourself for the accomplishments and milestones you have passed.  Life is good, and you are doing great!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Fill Up Your Cup

What do you do to help fill your cup back up?  And no, not that cup.  Coffee house down the street or my personal fave - my Cuisinart single brew machine - helps take care of that!  No, I mean your emotional cup - the one that fills you back up with positivity and the feeling that you are powerful, strong, important, capable, loved, and on purpose.  The one that reminds you that you do good things and you have direction in life.  That cup.  How often do you fill up that cup?

If you happen to be sitting there, one in a ....never.  That's okay.  Everyone starts some where.  My suggestion?  Read a good quote for today!  Say something positive about yourself  in the first person.  "I AM ________"  and then SMILE.  If you're more seasoned, do you have CDs or something on your iPod to tune into when you're commuting somewhere instead of the radio?  Do you read something every morning or evening to reset yourself?  Do you gather with people who push you to be better and happier? 

So I challenge you: Do something tomorrow to fill up your cup!  And then pass it on!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Good Photographer

Phew!  Welcome Back!  I know I've been out for a while.  I never thought I'd be the person who says this, but putting on a wedding and working through the pre-wedding "to do"s and post-wedding "thank you"s.  They keep you busy, but if you really feel honored, then you'll love doing them.  Making the wedding bags for hotel guests and writing all the thank you cards for the beautiful gifts we received was so fulfilling.  I felt like I was making people feel loved and happy, and that was such a great experience. 

So if you're getting married, enjoy all the moments and stop feeling bad about being "off the grid" because that'll mean you're fully involved in the experience.  And in the process of being "off grid," you'll be going through a lot of wedding pictures, and, let me tell you, INVEST in a GOOD photographer.  It'll make all the difference in the world.  If you need a good photographer, I'll recommend the following because they were the best:  George Street photography, specifically Dan Dinanno!  He was amazing, and Colin, the second photographer, who may or may not have is own company too, is fantastic!  Big 5 stars from this girl!  LOVE them.

So if you are on a mission, start with a good photographer.  The rest won't matter if it won't be photographed correctly! 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pumpkin Risotto

WOOHOO!!!! It's fall finally!  And that means, like all you coffee lovers already know, it's pumpkin EVERYTHING!

So tonight's menu?  It, of course, included pumpkin!  Pumpkin risotto that is.

And even better?  Vegan and Gluten Free.

First: get risotto rice.

In a big saucepan (deep too), grill up vegan butter and veggies (I choose leaks, carrots, and broccoli.)
saute until golden brown (not runny)

At the same time, bring 4-5 cups of water to a boil.  Then take off immediately.  Just keep hot. 
IN THE WATER, include 1 Veggie bouillon (a GF and V option).  Also, 2 cloves of garlic and 2 tsp of basil.  You can find frozen and pressed basil at Trader Joe's, but not sure how much that is in big leaves.

Once everything in pan is golden brown, pour in 4-6 oz red wine.  Stir in and make sure any excess is evaporated.

Add in 1 cup of warm water from pot at a time.  Make sure it's soaked into the rice before adding more.  Should take about 18-25 minutes to add all the water.
While adding water in, toss in 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp salt.  Stir in.

When done, rice should be al dente but not hard.

Let sit for 2-3 minutes.  Sprinkle vegan parm or mozzerella cheese on top.


Monday, September 23, 2013

In Limbo

Do you ever feel stuck?  Like stagnant and feeling like you're fighting against quicksand and yet you never go anywhere?  That was tonight. 

I think sometimes we forget the power of patience.  It's a virtue for a reason, and especially in today's society it's just so difficult sometimes to remind ourselves that this "fast-paced" society is a revelation to the world of time.  In fact, it's counterintuitive and makes you poise unrealistic goals for how long things in your life should take. 

So then you find yourself in these "Stuck" places.

My recommendation?  Take a walk.  Get OUTSIDE.  Ride your bike, and do it SOLO.  Allow yourself to breathe in the fresh air and remind yourself the power of nature and the power you hold within yourself.  There's something very grounding about being outside, that it recharges your battery and reminds you to recheck your "time" table.

And if that's not enough, the view should remind you to feel grateful. 

And if that still doesn't work, force yourself to enumerate a mental list of the things your grateful for!  It may seem forced (but hopefully not!) and it'll bring about a sense of comfort and a smile.  And those always brighten your spirit and make you happy (-er). 

So go play with Mother Nature.  She's a great source of refuge and power.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Remember, you are Strong.  You are Successful.  You are Powerful, and you are Poised to do Great Things with your Life!


What a great night out!  We were asked to join my cousin and her husband on their 12th anniversary dinner, which was a total honor!  How cool, right?!

So we headed to Quartino in Chicago and met them at 5, before their 8pm musical started.  Having never been before, we knew it was a bit more "rustic" Italian, but as gluten free (me) vegans (us both) we never know exactly what to expect!

Much to our surprise, we had some excellent food!  (remember, we are a little forgiving at restaurants as they don't often cater to G-Free Vegans!)

My dinner?  Their yummy lemony all veggie salad and olives.  Then following was escarole and white beans and another dish of Broccoli Rabe.  Ok.  WOW.  AMAZING!

My fiancé had olives as well and then a basil garlic gnocci.  The plate may have seemed small, but the gnocci are always guaranteed to fill you up!

Not a G-Free Vegan?  My cousin and her husband raved about the bacon wrapped dates, the clam linguini, and the pork shank!

Dessert?  Of course!  Dark chocolate strawberry fondue for me, donuts and tiramisu for the rest of the table!

Wine?  2 bottles of Napa Cabernet!

Verdict?!  Definitely a place to revisit!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today's Quote to Moving Life Forward

Do the thing, and you shall have the power; but they who do not the thing have not the power
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Privvy to Language

If anyone's ever tried learning a language, you will know it takes work.  And that's okay.  In fact, it's more than okay, it's what should be expected.


Think about a little child you know that either is currently learning a language or learned one.  How long did it take for that child to start to say words?  Form sentences?  Pronounce things correctly? And really become fluent?  One day?  (absolutely!) No.  A long time.  In fact, it's rather an ongoing process to truly cultivate great language skills.  And the best way to do it is to listen, try, and repeat.

So, then, why do so many place treat it like a literature class?  A student I know came back the other day from Spanish 1 with 3 vocab sheets and a quiz in 5 days.  That, to me, just didn't make any sense.  Spanish students I've ever taught start with the basics:  alphabet and numbers.  Then weather and colors.  No sentences, just words.  Why?  Because that's how we learn as a child.  We get good at the words and then learn to string them together.  The advantage to being older when learning language is that you already know how to string them together.  You just need the grammar principals behind the structure.  But how great to suddenly have an arsenal of words at your disposal?!  You feel capable, empowered, able to at least get by because you can identify and describe the things you need, even if not in perfect sentence form.

Then we learn verbs and sentence structure!  Quickly enough, granted, but not in the first 3 weeks and not 3-5 vocab sheets full of words.  We learn them in stages with lots of practice!

And even more important:  PRONUNCIATION PRACTICE!  It's language!  You need to learn to speak with with some competence!  Don't be afraid to be corrected, either, just like you weren't afraid when your parents corrected the way you said a word when you were learning.  It's natural and normal, and a great show of character and determination when you acknowledge the linguistic challenges associated with languages!

So here's to your success and those around you!

Friday, August 23, 2013

New Readers!

Happy to welcome the newest reader of the Quotes in Spanish, By Theme book!  So excited for you and congrats!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

In Check

Do you ever have those moments, where you have someone really "check" your reality for you?  That was my fiancé's job tonight for me.  I didn't realize that was going to be his job, but it was, and I have to admit, looking back, he did a really good job.

I like throwing myself little pity parties.  I do.  Although I don't always realize I'm throwing myself one until I'm in it or it's passed and I have a chance to reflect on what happened.  Why do I do this?  Great question. it's left over from my growing up and a remnant of my past issues in how I handled stress.  I bottle.  Do you bottle?  I bottle.  And I don't realize I bottle until all the little tiny things that didn't feel like a big deal suddenly burst out in a jet stream of carbonized liquid (think champagne popping or soda gushing out of a shaken can).  That's when I realize I've been bottling. 

And that's when the party starts!  Chips and dip anyone?

What usually happens is I sit or curl into a ball and try to think through and process all the stress, which usually leads to more stress, and that leads to crying and feeling overwhelmed and ending up in a big, messed up heap, where I need to talk and talk and talk and talk about how I'm feeling and why things have suddenly spiraled, and why I'm crying, and how could I let it get to this point? and why didn't I see this coming? and how do I handle it from here? and why didn't I fix it before? and...

*phew* It's EXHAUSTING!

And that's how tonight's started.  Except, this time, as I was explaining (yes, explaining, not yet crying) my fears to my fiancé he wasn't game.  He didn't even do the lovely and much needed "I Understand" before trying to refute my claim and explain the holes in my logic.  He just went into "Mr. Fix-it" mode and blew right through all the cracks in my thinking.  Needless to say, I wasn't a fan.  However, after about 7 or 8 go-arounds of him being like "did I understand that correctly?" and "what else is there?" and me grumpily saying"  "yes" and "nothing," we finally arrived at the "I'm just being negative" station.  And, according to him, I was not allowed to stay parked long.  He went into all this stuff about how you're not a negative person until all these little inconsequential things build up to a point where you become über negative and it's not cool, and half the stuff you're worried about anyway is either in the future, which means you can't worry about it because it hasn't happened, or it's in th past, which means you shouldn't worry about it because you can't do anything to change the event now.

And this time I finally listened.  Admittedly, I didn't want to, but I also really didn't want to be upset!  Seriously!  Who actually enjoys being upset? Totally a waste of energy, and so I sat and listened and reflected and realized that he was dead right and I was being dumb.  I was being unfair to myself, untrue to my normally natural state, and unnecessarily worried with no reason to be, because the present (absolute present) moment was going along pretty damn well if you asked him.  And, you know what?  He was right.  Right then I switched and slammed the door on my pity party and felt instantly better.  I recommend trying it.  Great feeling!

So no more invitations, and no more pity parties.  Present moment.  That's it.  Plan for the future, appreciate the past, but focus on the now because that's all that matters, and if the "worry" isn't immediately in the moment, it's not worth the worry.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Back to Basics - Dinner

Tonight I decided to go back to what I'm good at:  Italian.

I returned home from errands today and was nothing short of starved, and the kind where you feel like you're going to eat your own face if you don't get food fast!  Yes, that kind of starved!  I at a spoonful of PB and honey (don't knock it 'til you try it!  Super sweet and super filling!) and continued on to making dinner, which I knew would take an hour to prepare.

On the menu?  Rice and veggies.
The challenge?  Making a rice dish my fiancé will eat without complaining.  As of late, he claims my rice is off it's game and want me to go back to making it the "good" way.  Problem is, I don't remember now what the "good" way is, as I have tried to recreate my favorite Asian inspired flavors to absolutely no avail.  And more like negative avail.

He's been a good sport though.  He complains a bit, throws a bunch more sauce on, and eats it anyways.  But I wanted to redeem myself, mostly because I'm tired of the complaining....but even more honestly because I agree with him!

So off to the rice I went.  And here's what I did.

Want a more al dente rice?  "toast" it first.  Fry it up in a frying pan with olive oil on med/high for a few minutes, coating it in the olive oil.  It'll sear up the outside so that when it cooks it has a more of an individualized texture than an sticky one.

Then I threw it in the water.  I added a baby slice of avocado, a spoonful of pesto (from TJ's, even though, again, it has a little cheese in it, but it's gluten free!  Don't have pesto?  Fresh basil is preferable but dried is okay, you'll just need a bunch, and garlic!)  I also added a G-free Vegan "chicken" bouillon, garlic, oregano, and pepper.  I have learned to be generous with my spices as it takes more than you think to taste the spices when you're dealing with rice!
I also added in some of the juice from the bottle of garlic mushrooms from TJ's for acidity and more garlic.

Now veggies:
Celery, red pepper, eggplant, and almonds (not a veggie.  yes, I know)
Sliced and in a skillet with Olive Oil, garlic, oregano, black pepper, red pepper flakes (will make it spicy, so easy on these guys if you don't like heat!!), kalamata olives, green olives and a dash of the green olive juice for acidity (same idea as a dirty martini).  Let those cook on low until they're cooked but still crunchy (celery at least!)

Side dish:  Tempeh bacon.  5 slices, olive oil and pepper.  Fry up until golden brown on each side.

Once cooked.  Serve.  YUM yum!

Monday, August 19, 2013

G Free Vegan Night

If you didn't know (or if I haven't made it clear yet) my fiancé and I are Vegan and I am also Gluten-Free.  So, we are often looking to make the clean, delicious veggies and carbs flavorful and unique, because we don't switch our "meats" to change things up.  We just have to, well, change things up.

So, on tonight's menu:
Carrot and Ginger Soup (premade)

Grab some yummy Gluten Free bread (you have to check that it's also vegan.  Can't totally get vegan?  that's okay.  What you usually run into are Egg or Milk. Sometimes we bend the rules just a bit because I have to be very careful on the Gluten side, so sometimes the Vegan has to be a bit flexible)
Drizzle olive oil and grill on the stove for a few minutes on each side until it's browned.
Flip and drizzle a bit of vegan cheese on top so while the other side is browning the cheese can melt down
Put on plate and spoon out pre-made bruschetta topping if you don't have time to make your own

Pre-made Carrot Ginger Soup.
REALLY sweet, almost like sweet potato soup / purée, which was too sweet for what I wanted.  So, I added garlic powder, oregano, and rosemary.  I also threw in a big spoonful of the bruschetta topping, and a bit of the juice from a glass container of kalamata olives for acidity.

Much better!


Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Power of Outside

When was the last time you were....outside.  Yes, outside!

And I don't mean walking from your car to the store and back. I mean actually outside.  Did you know it's actually therapeutic to be outdoors?  People are meant to connect with nature, and being outside can do great things for you, for your thinking, for your happiness, and even for your health!

If you haven't been outside lately, let me suggest you get there fast!  Not sure what to do?  Start by taking a walk.  Go out, even if just for a few blocks or a mile, and walk around.  Take in the fresh air, feel the breeze and the sun on your skin, and inhale.  Repeat.  The therapeutic aspect of it helps to open your mind and you really have a chance to connect with yourself.  Steve Jobs used to go for walks all the time with his employees / teammates.  He did his best thinking when he walked.  And it's so true!  Your thoughts can become so clear you'll be astounded at the thoughts and solutions that come to you!

Another idea?  Take your coffee, dinner, or evening glass of vino onto the porch / balcony / or whatever outdoor space you have!  You're going to be sitting anyways, allow yourself to do the do while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

So enjoy your walk.  Enjoy your bike ride, or just enjoy your twenty minute coffee!  Here's the the power and beauty of nature.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Marriage Envy

Ok...first though, for all you follow-up needers!  Mediation day 2 went well.  Days 3 and on I forgot.  Well, I lied.  I didn't really forget, I just think about doing it briefly and then .... don't. 

I'll do it tonight after I finish writing!

Ok.  Moving on now.  I think this topic is really important.  Our culture (and that of women especially) is so on the flash.  The milestones.  The "end goal" of whatever it is you're doing that when it comes to marriages it's the same thing.  Actually, I feel like what I should say isn't that marriage is the thing here that we envy or that it's even the "end goal."  I think, sometimes, for women especially, it's wedding envy.  There.  I said it.  We get wedding envy.  We get "I'm looking at Facebook and see all these pictures of beautiful brides and happy guests and married friends seemingly moving forward in life and I feel like it's so far away from me!" 

The problem is, these are just snapshots.  We don't see the in between moments that get people form one snapshot to the next.  And as said in one Newlyweds, "those are the moments that get you from one happy photo to the next."  Except, we don't see them.  We don't see the work it takes, the arguments, the negotiations, the frustration, the desire, the compromises.  We don't see the annoyances and the shining moments.  We don't see the obstacles and the power to overcome it.  We just see the "End goal."  The wedding and now marriage of someone we knew.  And, truth be told, we can't help but instantly compare.  We may not mean to, but we do, even if just for the tiniest fraction of a moment, we do.

Now, though, I'm suddenly old enough where I see those wonderful photos I longed to be mine for so long (or so momentarily, however you wish to look at it...either way I saw the photos and thought about wishing it were me) being broken.  Those same weddings and "perfectly happy and lucky couples" are not separating and breaking.  All of them?  No.  But enough to realize I was wrong for coveting.  I was wrong for wishing something that wasn't mine to have in the first place.  How can you covet something that's not part of your life or life's path?  Those people have such a different trajectory than you, that to even for the slightest moment wish their happy moment were yours is sad.  You have your own happy moments coming, and, quite honestly, we don't know if they'll be happy forever.  It seems happy at the moment, but not all things are as they appear.

So don't envy.  Because it's sad to know that what you once wished were yours no longer exists.  It's sad to know that we're at the age where the "happy" can be broken.  Stop waiting for those "end goals" and "Finish lines."  Their false markers and you have to keep moving forward after you hit them anyways.  Instead, enjoy the journey.  Make sure the journey is the right one because if it's not, the "end goal" won't mean anything anyways.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


It’s been rather ongoing now, but I’ve had this urge to take a bath.  Maybe it’s the mere fact that I haven’t had access to a bathtub in over a year nor a tub prior to that I felt safe submerging my body into for another good three years before that, but whatever the reason, the urge has been pressing at my nerves.
            So tonight, although I wasn’t as stressed as I have been in the past few months – not even remotely on the same scale – I thought the bath sounded like perfection.  I brought in my laptop, threw in the bath salts and oil, put on some soothing music, and slid into the warm mixture.  It was heavenly.
            Except for the twenty seconds where my fiancé came in, pulled the shower curtain shut and peed, but, hey, I guess that’s the sacrifice you make with one bathroom.
            But I digress.  Back to the heavenly bath.  It was amazing.  I made it through an entire three songs before I washed off with some cool water.  No judging.  Having not sat in a bath for over four years, three songs was a great start!
            Then I decided to continue the pampering and gave myself a mini facial – which lasted for another song – before heading out to return my computer to it’s table.  At that point, well, more like during the second song of the bath, I decided I would venture into trying to meditate.  I had read up on it the other night, all one website worth of reading, and I felt like I was ready to go!
            So, I put my laptop away, positioned myself on my living room carpet, crossed my legs and touched my thumbs loosely together like the website had said, sat up straight and breathed.  The website also recommended clearing your head and that if that was not easy to do, count your breaths. 
            Since my mind never shuts off, I started counting.  1…2…
            I paid attention to my breathing and ensuring that my stomach was expanding outward to show I was taking in deep breaths instead of shallow ones.  I focused on breathing in through my nose and pushing the air out through my mouth.
            Then I thought about all those counseling and yoga classes where they tell you to imagine that as you exhale you’re pushing out all your problems with your breathing.
            But wait!  No.  That’s not what I was supposed to focus on.  Come back.  Back to breathing. 
            Nine!  Ha ha.  Seven eight nine! Like the joke.  Why was six afraid of seven?  Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine, in case you’d never heard the joke…)
            Damnit!  Not focusing. 
            Breathe in. Breathe out through the mouth.  Breathe in. Focus on expanding your stomach.  Breathe out through the mouth.
            I got about four more of those in, and then I was bored and couldn’t sit any longer.  So I opened my eyes and stared at the counter wall.  If you’ve never done this before, this is about the time where you realize you are not going to be able to stand up right away – nor would that be an intelligent move – because your orientation is all off and you’d probably fall over.  So, I sat for another two breaths or so and re-grounded myself.  Once I felt less fuzzy, I stood up and congratulated myself on a meditation well attempted.
            There may be fore baths in the future.

No Room for Jealousy

Jealousy can kill you.  Literally.  It can acid through your insides and drive you mad.  And for what? 

If you're the jealous type, overcoming it can be challenging.  It's learning to rewire your brain and realizing your jealousy is just a frustration with yourself. 

I'm not trying to be harsh.  It's important to be reflective.  Take an honest look at yourself.  Do you compare yourself to others?  How frequently?  Are you proud of yourself and the person you currently are?  Are your goals in line with the future your current path is leading you?

Those are things you need to look at first.  Then we can look at overcoming it!

One good way to start?  Start being genuinely excited for the other person's news.  Harder than you were hoping?  Take yourself out of the equation.  Imagine you had everything.  Would you still be jealous of what they're saying?  Probably not!  You'd be really really happy for that person!

You see, the more you put out positivity and genuine excitement for others, the more it'll come back to you.  Is it a 1-to-1 give back?  Doubtful.  That's not how the universe, or karma, or whatever you want to call it, works.  But your harboring acidic negativity is definitely not doing you any favors!

So, start by smiling.  Take a deep breath, and imagine how you would want a friend to react if you told them the news instead of someone else telling it to you.

Now, "rinse and repeat".  :-)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Words for the Soul

When you need to a little "growing" for your personal life, business, or relationship, the best place to start is with you.  Personal development makes everything better, because when you develop the person, the rest follows suit.

So where do you turn?  Turn to good books and good videos.  Some great starts?

Dare to Dream, Work to Win
The Slight Edge
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
How to Win Friends and Influence People
Funny Side Up
Eat That Frog
The Obvious
The Secret

And those are just a few.  Some great websites? and  Or, at least, I've really enjoyed them.  Shad has some amazing tools to listen to in the background and Keith brings on a little bit of everything and everyone, so you get a good scope of everything.

Here's to your future success.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Quote Books Come to Life!

¡¡¡Casi terminado!!!  No puedo esperar.

Hablar más que un idioma es existir en más que un mundo
To speak more than one language is to exist in more than one world

What's so great about the above?  They're quotes, of course! And they are in Spanish and English!

I'm happy to announce that effective within the next 24-48 hours I'm bringing you the first (I believe) Spanish / English quote book!!!!  Available currently on Amazon Kindle, this book is broken up BY THEME!  That means that they are in categories like Success, Failure, Friendship, Love, Famous Quotes, etc.

The second one to come out at the same time will be broken down by Teachable Topic.  Soooooo.....for all you Spanish teachers out there, what a GREAT resource for you and the kids!  Look at famous quotes or historical quotes by the grammar topics they demonstrate:  Ser/Estar, Preterite, Imperfect, Commands, Interrogatives, Etc.

Keep posted for more info on them, and start enjoying them NOW!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mariachis Loco

Ay Ay!  Who loves a little mariachi?! 

WE DO!!!

Recently we moved to just south of UIC campus, and we've been exploring all the local restaurants and flavors.  When my parents came down, they were in the mood for Mexican, so we went to Lalo's on Maxwell and Halsted.  We also went early, figuring we'd miss the dinner crowd. 

Wrong!  It was packed at 4:30 because the mariachi was there!  Every Sunday, Lalo's hosts a mariachi band for 3 hours every Sunday, and they travel from table to table asking for requests or just playing their favorites.

Need a recommendation?  Ask for Mariachis Loco.  You'll get a fun dance out of it too!


Welcome to the wait!  Spanish / English quote books are .... well, are they?

They are soon!  Spanish / English quote books are coming due in less than one week!

Use for:
The home
Personal use

Want more information?  Keep checking back!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Putting Together IKEA part 2

Well, we are still "putting together" everything, although we are almost done and only 21 swear words richer.  Lack shelves need to be hung (which, by the way, are gorgeous and I highly recommend them).  The boy's "battle station," as he calls it, is also done, except now he cannot find the chord he recently purchased.  And one of our desk chairs was put together (by moi) backwards.

Aaaaaah, the joys of moving.

Where's that wine?.....

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Putting Together IKEA

Clay and I recently "furnished" our home with lots of odds and ends, gifts from people, and then our massive trip to IKEA (which really became a trip to IKEA with a massive delivery order). 

Delivered two days ago.  Thanked the men for bring them in, and then turned to start putting things together.  Have you ever tried to carry some of these boxes?  Holy sweet baby Jesus!  Both Clay and I were astonished at how heavy they were.  He laughingly asked, "How on Earth did they manage to get these in there?" and I answered, "over their shoulder."  Yes, that's right, these IKEA amazing delivery men carried half of these extremely heavy boxes over one shoulder.  You Herculean deliver men, you.

If you have never put IKEA furniture together, a word of advice.  Buy their (if they still have it) little tool kit where you can switch out the screwdriver heads because it's way more convenient than half of the little wrenches they give you!  Also, find some really good music, and make sure any small children are far away.  You will probably curse at least 12 times.

So far, we have 1 Lack shelf, 1 Besta desk, and 1 Besta wine rack / armoir (75%) put together.  We have another desk, another Lack shelf, and the other 25% of the wine thing to go.  So at least 30 more swear words, a big bottle of wine, and Clay and me arguing over which type of music best fits the mood.  He likes Deadmau5, I like general top 40 pop and random iTunes selections.

But seriously.  Get that toolkit.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Summer of 3

If you haven't already read about it, I'm pleased to announce that my newest book has officially been available for just over a month now!  We have had great readership already, and I'm so excited for all of you who currently own the book to finish it!  It's such a privilege to write for you!

Don't own it yet?  Curious to see what all the hype's about?!

Check it out, here!

Happy reading!

Paint This House!

For the past two days, we have been painting.  Well, I painted on Friday, Clay helped today, and we spent almost 8 hours each day doing so.

Here are some things I learned:

PRIME.  Prime dark colors, or any color that isn't white, unless all of your walls in the room are "light colored walls" and the same "light color."  Otherwise, you run the risk of applying the paint and having it turn up different shades as a result of the under-color.

Some paints have primer in them.  Great!

Don't skimp on paint.  Cheap often means, well, cheap.  This is going on your walls, people!  Everyone sees these and you see them everyday.  Every little dink, miss-roll, or uneven application will show up, so do some research.  At Home Depot, they'll all tell you to go with Behr.  Otherwise, most people recommend Sherwin Williams.  They have different grades of paint.  We chose the paint and primer in one for the interior white for our baseboards and doors, and the Emerald paint for the wall color.  Emerald Pain has a great texture to it, but it will show a little more brush marks.  On the other end, it wears really well and is one of the few paints that is washable!!!! (perks for those with kids, animals, or, like me, just someone who has a tendency to spill and break things randomly!)

Go for color!  Don't be afraid of it, but also know the space you're in.  Darker colors will make the room look smaller. If you're in a loft, try a neutral: greys or beige.  The fact that all the walls connect from one room to the other makes it difficult to color the rooms differently, and too many "accent walls" only makes a loft look choppier than it is! 

Our choice?  Grayish, 6001 by Sherwin Williams.  I am in LOVE with the color.  It's a bluer neutral as opposed to a yellow/brownish neutral, and in certain lights looks almost white while other sections have a purple/blue tinge to them!  LOVE.  Very lofty.  Very cool.  Very industrial / modern.

Now, we just need to finish!  Two coats.  ALWAYS go with 2 coats.  And wine or beer and lots of good music or background noise.  It makes the time go by faster and gives you something to look forward to when you finish!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Power of Thought

I had coffee tonight with a client who has become a good friend.  We met at 6:30 and chatted past 8:30, outside, drinking iced soy drinks, and really just connecting.  It was fantastic.  Conversation is so powerful, I think with all the high-tech gadgets and widgets we just forget what it's like to really and truly connect with someone.  And you have to to feel human.

Part of what we discussed was how things come to pass in our lives that are brought on by what we think and say.  Silly thought initially - or at least that's how I felt - but the more we compared stories and incidents, the more we solidified for us that more recently followed belief that, "what you think about you bring about".  Our conversations went everywhere from jobs to relationships to health to dreams (goals).  At every point, whether we meant it or not, we were encouraging each other to strive to be better - to believe better.

And sometimes it's hard.  At first or at all.  We spend so much time talking to ourselves and we do so in ways that if we spoke the thoughts aloud to another person we would be appalled at what we said.  But yet with ourselves we deem it okay, and it shouldn't be.  Change the way you speak to yourself and what you expect, and you will change your reality.

It's encouraging.  And it's time you thought better of yourself, even if you are already thinking very highly of yourself, keep going.  Keep pushing yourself to be better, and you will keep reaping great rewards.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Reflections in Reality

Waking up with purpose is the greatest gift we can be given.  It is freeing - to feel like we are on the path we were meant to be on.  To know, even more powerful.  But what happens when we awake and our purpose is fuzzy, or has been hidden and left somewhere just out of our reach?  It is then we feel lost, lonely, conflicted.

In that loss and confusion, we turn to those who we feel can help us either find ourselves, or further mask the pain from knowing we are not being true with who we are supposed to be.

But how do you re-find yourself? Your purpose?

Sitting on the couch watching TV is most certainly not the way.  I tell you that because that is where I am at the moment!  However, that is not to say that direction is not found in solitude and stillness.  Sitting for a period of time in the quiet, outside, or even going for walks can help you open up that inner communication with your strengths.  Listen, although it may not be immediately that you find yourself, but it is there within you.

Secondly, do.  Search for new jobs, go on interviews, and plant your hands in multiple pies until you find ones that align with who you are.  Once you've found your inner voice, listen to it.  When on an interview, take heed to the way you react internally.  Do you feel uncomfortable? Does it feel natural?  If you were called back about the job would you feel relieved or shackled?  It will help you know if you are on the correct path, for you have someone wonderful to give.  It, however, can only be given if you allow it to be found.

Still searching?  Read.  Read a book and see if you can escape into it.  Does it reflect who you are currently or who you want to become?  Reading can help you attract the thoughts about yourself that maybe you haven't learned yet, or don't know how to say over yourself.  Your thoughts and actions have power, so knowing them and knowing they are right for you are important.

Some call it your gut. Some call it your tug, but regardless, learning to listen to your inner self is important.  Once you find it, then you must act.  Things don't appear without work, but they also don't appear when the work you do isn't the right work for you.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Moving Pains

Anyone ever tried moving?  How about buying a place? ...have a good time with that?

Then you are in a very lucky place, my friend.  Our homebuying experience has been nothing short of a nightmare.  Buying for the first time?  Get ready for paperwork?  And if anything goes wrong...get ready for LOTS of paperwork.  Note: "going wrong" can simply mean the interest rate changed, the wrong box was "x"d and then all the paperwork needed to be redone, or dates get pushed back. 

Before going through this, I idolized the home-buying process.  I had noticed a few of my peers doing it, and I thought, "Wow! How great for them!"   We helped move many of them in, and suddenly they were just home owners.  Simple, easy, home owners.  One had even noted that this was the 3rd house she'd put a bid on, but I thought, 3? That's not bad!  People probably do that all the time.

Then you go through it yourself.  Let me tell you, 2 offers is 1 too many.  By the 3rd and 4th offer falling through the only thing you feel is discouraged.  Frustrated is next.  It's like nothing is supposed to be yours.  They're just teasing you!  The moment you finally receive good news about your bid, the rest of the process starts.  And that doesn't mean it's simple, easy, or quick.

Don't forget, you also have LOTS of people to pay.  There's a percentage that goes to your realtor (%, not given $, and it's based off the home's sale price); the appraisal and the inspection (which ran us about $300 each), the attorney fees, which are sometimes included in closing costs, and the rest of the closing costs.  Plus, you have to think about movers, boxes, packing material if you don't have access to a plethora of boxes and paper/bubble wrap.  Suddenly you're in the process of getting ready for the closing and all you see is red.

Plus hope.  Have to remember that too.  The whole point of buying a new place is because you want or need it.  A lot of buyers right now are buying for the, until yesterday, low interest rates, better mortgage payments, and a great home.  Many buy to upgrade their life because their family is growing or they can afford more space.  Some people are moving for jobs or just life in general.  Either way, the idea is that this new place will help fulfill the needs of your new position in life, and that alone brings hope.  Hope for a new and better tomorrow than today, and the house is its embodiment.

So be sure you have lots of patience, a good venting system or outlet, and the ability to let the small things roll off your back, because when you're done, it's worth it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Addicting Shows

My fiancé and I have discovered that we enjoy a very inexpensive activity: watching really good TV series.  They're like extended movies and yet broken up enough that we can watch one or two while we unwind together for the evening and still have something to come back to the next day.

Now, anyone who knows me knows I am not a proponent of sitting in front of the TV endlessly.  I believe in "doing," as my mother in law likes to joke.  ("oh, you're a do-er" in, not someone who sits down for long periods of time well).  Yet, this, we have found, is a great together activity.

The dilemma became finding a show that we both enjoyed.  I like comedy and shows with powerful main characters - people who are strong and bring on a story that makes you think.  He likes sci-fi, horror, and action.  So, as you can imagine, finding a show we both like can be tricky.  For example, I LOVED The West Wing.  Him? Not so much.  He loves The Venture Brothers and American Horror Story.  Me? Not so much. 

We were pleased, therefore, when we stumbled across of string of shows we both LOVED.  Here is what I highly recommend:

House of Cards
Sherlock (BBC version)

Happy viewing!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

When Money's Tight

Most people have a small (or, well, maybe not so small) panic attack when they feel the constrains of a (shh, don't say it!) ...budget... creeping its way into their lives.  You know what I'm talking about.  It's when you come back from the, well we'll just say weekend for now, sign into your bank account, and then gasp!  You hold your breath, widen your eyes, and shake your head for a moment before needing to drop your head way below your knees and start breathing in and out of a paper bag for a few (or maybe more) minutes. 

Yes, that dreaded moment of: putting yourself on a budget because money's become tight.

No fear!  Aside from the fact that we need to take a hard, solid, and immediate look at how and where you're spending your money, the good thing is it's often fixable!  Woot!  Celebrate! (but maybe only by having a personal little dance party.  You can buy youreself....well....nothing)

#1: Take a DEEP BREATH.  You're going to be okay!

#2: Before you cut yourself off from society completely (although we may need to momentarily), look at how much you're putting into savings.  Yes, I said it: SAVINGS.  Don't have a savings?  What's wrong with you?!  No. Just kidding. But really. That's first, because that leads into #3. But first, #2.  What percentage of your income do you put into savings every month?  5%?  10%?  And what about retirement?  You should always have something in both categories: retirement and savings if-I-need-to-touch-it-now money.  Conservatively, make sure you're doing 5-10%  Agressively, more like 15-30% (but this doesn't meant tell your financial adviser he's wrong because I said otherwise. Trust people who have the degree or experience first!) Personally, I put 10% in retirement and 20% in savings from each paycheck. Then, on to #3

#3:  Assess how long you could survive on your RIGHT NOW savings if you needed to.  Then look at how much it would take FROM that account to correct your budget if you did it all at once.  Maybe it's $150, maybe it's $3000.  But you need to be honest.  How far "down" are you from where you expected or needed to be.

#4: What can I cut RIGHT NOW.  Look at where you spend your money weekly!  I saw weekly and not daily, because, let's face it, some of us get our coffee to go every day, and some of us splurge for that second or forth day, but it's not a standard.  Start there.  Cut the "extras" back.  One less glass of wine or beer at dinner or that week, one less cup of coffee, condense your errand running so you do it on one day and not over three, and see where that will put your spending for the next paycheck cycle.

#5: Still haven't made all the money back through those cuts?  Go straight college style again!  Invite a friend or couple over for dinner instead of meeting at a restaurant.  Same with a girlfriend for coffee.  Have her over to chat instead of at the local percolating corner store.  Plan your meals for the week and PRE COOK so you have it all divided out.  Then if you're still hungry you'll notice what you can spare and maybe what you were just wishing to mindlessly eat.

#6: Think long term.  What can I continue doing for another paycheck cycle to help boost me past the "danger" zone again.  This way you'll have more of a cushion and less of a panic!

And remember, you work hard for your money.  Yes, it comes and goes, but remember to stay savvy, and don't worry about what people will think because you didn't have that cup of coffee or second glass of wine with them.  They don't pay your bills. You do.  And they don't suffer your panic attacks for your.  You do.  And you deserve to not have those moments ever....or at least as often as maybe you have been having them.

And if you still feel like you can't get them under control, try MINT: the app on your phone. It will help you keep track after every expense so you can see and up to the minute delineation of your (yes I'm saying it!) budget.

Happy saving!

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Book Arrival! Get Ready to Enjoy!

It's official!  We'd like to welcome Stephanie Caprini's new book, The Summer of 3!  Now available on Amazon, Kindle, and Barnes &

During the summer before Rachel’s wedding, three friends must face realities none had foreseen. In college, everything about life and the future had seemed optimistic and ideal, but the reality of life proves more complicated, uncertain, and incongruent with what any of them had expected.

Chelsea deals with a brutally honest and traditional mother who has an opinion about everything. Danielle is caught with choosing between a career and a relationship threatened to be torn apart by distance, and Rachel must decide if the wedding and life she had always imagined for herself is worth the complications and frustrations it is presenting. Each of the girls must work through and face her own reality while learning from each other’s problems in order to arrive at the answers each so desperately seeks. In the process, each searches to discover her own voice, courage, and ability to succeed in the crazy complicated world of adulthood.

This is a GREAT story for women, teens, or those who just want an enjoyable, honest, witty, and generally good-hearted story!  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Teachers, Well....Pay Teachers

Coolest website ever.  Are you a teacher or know someone who is?  This is where teachers can sell their original material ONLINE to other teachers to use in their classrooms.  With all the importance placed on differentiating and creating your own unique materials to use in your classroom, why not share with others?  Maybe another teacher hasn't taught the subject before. Maybe they're struggling to create a new way to teach the material.  Or maybe they just don't like the material they've been presented and want something else.  Either way, you've put effort into your material, why not help others?!

That's where Teachers Pay Teachers comes into play!  You can do all of that sharing and helping here!  I started my own SPANISH site a while back, and it's been a great hit! I'm so happy to be helping other people, because I've been building my own curriculum for 4 years now.  Let me tell you, that is no easy feat!  It can be daunting at times, and I'm so honored to be able to help others! 

If you'd like to set up your own website, be sure to just note me as the referral!  Stephanie Caprini!  You're going to do great things!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Book Shout-Out!

Congrats to our newest readers in Canada and the UK!! 

Living with B: A College Girl's Struggle with Bulimia and Everyday LIfe has had an amazing reception with its readership! 

Have a friend or know someone that's struggling with the disorder?  This is a great book to help them feel connected or to help you understand their struggle!  Quick, fun, and a great page turner!

Have friends in NYC?  One of the women in government there just braved her story in the NY Times!  Share with them and even her!  We need to stand together as a community and bring light to a very dark reality that has the potential to be lessened with our support!

Check it out on Amzon, Kindle, and Lulu!

Spring Rebound

For those of us in Chicago, Spring is a bit of an illusion.  We have 90 degree days followed by 50 degree days.  This morning, we awoke to 47 degrees. WOO HOO!  Pull the parkas back out because you'll need it this morning.

For those of you with dogs or baby buggies, be sure to prepare for your walk and bundle the babies up properly!  It'll get wunny and warmer later, but just not quite yet.

Now, the rebound part:  we Chicagoans always bounce back!  And with Memorial Day Weekend right in front of us, we have so much to look forward to!  Going to be outside?  Bring an extra bottle of wine like you did in college and just coat yourself in warmth.  Or bring a blanket if you're more practical! :-)  Going to be grilling?  Get a few good steaks and burgers because people will want to eat hearty food!

Because guess what, Chicago?  SUMMER'S ALMOST HERE and 90 plus will be here to stay! 

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Just returned from Vegas for a conference, and WOW!  What an experience!

Haven't been?  MUST go.

Have been? Go again!  There's always new stuff to see and fun things to appreciate all over again.

Last year we stayed at the MGM in the regular rooms before they were redone.  I heard the new rooms are leaps and bounds better now that they've renovated, but we decided to move anyways.  At the last conference, we visited a friend who stayed in the Signature Towers and realized the rooms there had a kitchen!  Last year we spent over $100 per person per day on food.  This year we decided things would be different.

So we booked a Junior 1 Bedroom at the hotel, and it was the best decision ever.  The kitchen came in extremely handy, having made a point of taking a cab to Whole Foods just a few miles down Las Vegas Blvd.  For $52 we had beer, wine, and food for breakfast and most lunches for all 3 days!  We only had to buy dinner, which made experiencing the good food more enjoyable because we were only spending that kind of money once a day as opposed to every meal.

Additionally, the Signature towers are about a third of the way down the strip, so if you wish to walk anywhere, you cut your walking time a substantial amount.  For those who haven't been yet, walking from the MGM Grand to the Wynn (where we ALWAYS to go to get a good vegan meal!) is about an hour and a half walk over about 4 miles.  So, therefore, be sure you have good walking shoes on! Bring your heals, but walk in comfort! It's not worth it otherwise!

This time we stopped at a few favorites: the Wynn (and ate at Misumi!), the Venetian (and ate in St. Mark's Square!), and, of course, saw the Bellagio fountain show!  We also made a point of stopping in Paris, which I loved!  It reminded me of being back on the Parisian streets, and the Moulin Rouge parade they have right around 7pm is so fun!  The girls come out in a conga line in their dealer corsets and make their way to the tables where they are to deal.  Clearly, the show is meant to entice gamblers to the table, and its a very effective method!  We all just stood and watched the conga line and then it was like people in trances went to sit at the tables. ....maybe there was a subliminal message in the song?  Who knows!

And, as always, be sure to budget for your trip and your gambling!  Viva las Vegas!

Friday, April 19, 2013

An Outsider's Perspective

Sometimes you just aren't having the best week.  At all.  It feels like the mountain ahead of you in insurmountable.  It's the Everest of your being, and you just know you'll die before you reach the summit.  And it's exhausting.

When you feel like you're in that place, I implore you to find a friend and confidant (or a really fun person you trust) to employ for the moment.  Ask them to help you find a new perspective on your day because you're just stuck in the biggest snow storm and can't seem to see 3 feet past your face.  Let them remind you what makes you amazing and unique - the 30 second commercial that defines you, not your struggles.  It's fun!  I had one of my students offer up my 30 second commercial completely out of the blue, and it totally made my day.  When I heard what the student said, I told him, "Can you just follow me around and narrate my day? When I need a PR person, I'm calling you!"

I challenge you to find your "guide through the storm" - someone to give you the quick run down of the greatness that sometimes gets overshadowed by the mountains you create.  You may just find it makes you smile for a lot longer than a few moments, and that alone is a win.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Pain Stop

No, this is not where you can choose your favorite style of pain.  Rather, this is the Chinese massage therapy location I stopped by today to help alleviate the incredible pain in my lower back. Alas, I believe the pain initiated from a 2 hour Yoga class I took with a friend on Saturday, which was fantastic, but it did a number on me.  Same happened when I tried Pilates when I was 18.  I ended up half immobilized from lower back pain.  One would think I would learn!

Instead, I suffered through 3 days of increasing back pain to finally make the decision I was going to pop over to this awesomely reviewed massage therapy center down the street from my house in Wicker Park.  The Pain Stop.  Rightfully named, it's intention is to bring the best of Eastern knowledge and massage therapy, including cupping, to the Western world.  Or well, the western part of Chicago also known as Wicker Park.  It's an unassuming place, cash only, located right off Milwaukee Ave.  It's white walls and barren interior almost make you wonder if it's legitimate.  I'm used to spas and heavenly sanctuaries where there are waterfalls, water pitchers, and fine seating for those entering the building.  This was just ... there.  You are there to correct pain.  They are there to help.  They don't feel the need to court you beforehand, and after my massage was over I didn't feel the need for it either.  BECAUSE IT WAS AMAZING!!! 

Lee was my therapist, and I asked he do a "medium" tissue massage.  I was in so much pain I feared a "deep" tissue massage might break me. He threw on his 60 minute timer and went to work.  Now, I've had loads of massages, and he was top-notch. And for $65 for an hour, there isn't even a hit for room for complaining.  I would go back in a heartbeat!  Within minutes I wanted water, and by the time I was done I could barely move.  I was in more pain than when I arrived, to which I was assured some good solid stretching and water would make me right as rain my tomorrow.  The lady behind the counter even suggested if I wanted to make it back to hot yoga that might not be a bad idea as I could sweat out the free-roaming toxins and do some stretching.  Just, as she said, take it slow. 

Again, for those of you who know good massage, you know that when you enter with severe pain, you'll leave with more, because that's what happens.  They break up and move the pain around so that it can leave the body.  They don't suck it out.  They don't wave a wand and make it disappear, and they don't remove it by sugar coating and lightly rubbing your back.  They work it out, and that is exactly what they did.  Thank you, The Pain Stop, for being exactly what I needed.  I cannot wait for tomorrow, nor for the next 64 ounces of water I still need to drink to rehydrate and detoxify those free radicals now roaming around my body.  I promise, I will be back.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Catch Some Rays

Sometimes, the world just seems immensely overwhelming.  You wake up and, literally, everything is wrong or massively insurmountable.  The nature of everything swallows you up, and you end up only wanting to sit on the couch, curled in a blanket, hiding from the world behind a long series of TV shows.

That was today.  Today, it was as if nothing was right, and everything was a massive ordeal.  Luckily, it was also the first day of my vacation, so sitting under a blanket, hiding behind the TV didn't seem so terrible.  After all, I had 6 more days to make everything else work, right?

Not according to my fiancé.  He was on a mission to be sure we had things done.  The list was long, but he kept wanting to check things off the list. This, I shall remind you, was the epitome of the opposite of what I wanted.  It seemed like every time we accomplished something, I got grumpier because the list never seemed to get shorter.  Then he decided we needed to run to the bank.  What?  Outside?  Like I actually have to put on real people clothes and go somewhere??? **ugh**

So I schlepped on my clothes and begrudgingly left my house.  I hit the outside wind, the sun on my face and the chilled air wrapping itself around me, and the result was instantaneous.  I felt better, magically and entirely better.  I was happier, I was more alive, and I was smiling.  Smiling!  All the insurmountable issues from the morning still existed, but they were less immense and terrifying.  The sun was out, I felt alive, and I could tackle anything!

So the next time you feel like...well...butt.  Throw on some clothes and go run an errand.  OUTSIDE.  No driving, or if you have to drive, park far away.  Make sure to really take in the fresh air and allow it to revive you.  You are, after all, a being meant to interact with the world, not just the four walls around you.  So let that be your reminder.  GET OUT! .... and then smile a little more.  :-)

Friday, March 29, 2013

Wait, What?!

The other day, my students were taking a test.  One of my student's desk was really close to mine, and I had to get to my desk for something.  I couldn't fit through the space left between my desk and the student's so I jokingly said, "Can you pull your desk back?  I'm skinny, but I'm not that skinny."  The student laughed and pulled his desk back. 
Immediately after I said that the student next to him said, "Ms. Caprini, you ain't skinny," and looked at me half laughing. 
I had to stop for a moment and look at her with a "what?" expression. 
She then repeated, "You ain't skinny." 
I wasn't really sure what to say at that point, so I just scrunched my face together in surprised confusion, shaking my head, saying "Uh...."
"Well you're not," she said.  "You ain't fat. But you ain't skinny neither."  Then she paused, and very matter of factly said, "You fit."
....Right.  Well, world, there you go.  I'm fit.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Those Daily Moments

Wow! Where have I been!? It's like I left you guys all alone. . .

 . . . oh wait . . . sorry.  My bad.  I'm back now, and with quite an interesting few stories to tell!  Sometimes, kids say the darn-dest things, regardless if they're 8 or 18.  In fact, I've had 3 fun stories in the last month alone. Enjoy! (names have been changed)

(1)  had a black, square-plastic, long necklace around my neck.  One young adult approached me, dead serious, and asked, "Are those real black diamonds?"   (hold dramatic pause here)  "No, Greg."  "So they're not real?"  "No, Greg."  "oh."  "Greg, if these were real, I'd have body guards walking around with me!"  "But aren't black diamonds cheaper?" "Not that much cheaper."  " . . . oh."

(2) [side note, I recently got engaged and one student said "WHAT does your fiancé do?" / "Why?" / "He has to be a huge surgeon or something because nobody can afford that ring."  I laughed]  Fast forward two weeks.  Same student approaches me and says, "I figured you out!"  / "Oh?!" / "You're old money."  / (insert laughing here) "Oh?!?" / "yeah, totally. Old money.  You're straight living off grandpa's trust fund" / (laughing) / "Yeah. Your grandpa so got rich, like Rockefeller business rich, and you're just enjoying it now and living off it." / "Yes, Jamal, you're so right.  How did you know?!" (still laughing but trying to be serious) / "Like, the only reason you work here is because you'd be bored with nothing to do and you're doing your 'humanitarian give back' work."  / "I need to meet this grandpa of mine!"

(3)  Almost 18 year old kid I was working with was talking and talking and talking and talking and (gasp) talking and talking, and I finally said, "Seriously! Please just work." :-)  "Sorry."....and three seconds later: talking and talking and talking and talking, so I just stared at him, waiting and wondering if he had any conscious notion of what had just happened.  He, still talking, looked up at me, caught himself, and stopped talking.  Then he smiled, shook his head and started working.  Withing two seconds I hear, "My momma used to say I was retarded . . . as a kid . . . but I grew out of it."

Oy vey.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Men's Ring

Let me tell you, ladies and gentleman, if you are searching for the men's wedding ring, remember this:  it is NOT easy!  As one woman so eloquently put it, there are so many options out there nowadays for men that it's almost as complicated as finding the perfect engagement ring!  .... And she was right!

We have trekked over many miles hunting for his ring.  We went to Jared, Kay, Bella Cosa, Macy's, Saks, and David Yurman.  After 8 places, and some being multiple visits, we think we may have found one!  YAY!  And it's only 2 months later, but that's okay.  The important thing is that it's found. 

The other thing we discovered?  The newest trend in men's wedding rings is to buy 2.  TWO!  Apparently, especially for the rough and tumble man, he buys the one that is his "band," and then one that is his "in case it gets ________" band (you can fill it in with anything, but we were told things like: lost, nicked at work, in the way of heavy lifting or his fixing of things)  crazy.  And I thought it was intense enough buying a matching wedding band for the engagement ring, but apparently there was a lot I had yet to learn! 

So, ladies and gentleman, make sure you leave yourselves ample room to look.  Start early, and enjoy.  You may even get some free beer and wine in the process, depending on which store you visit!  Happy hunting!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Promote Yourself

This weekend was amazing.  There were so many wonderful opportunities to connect with people, whether they were people I know previously or ones I met for the first time.

And that is a key part of doing business.  Have the "why not?" attitude when it comes to engaging in activities, and keep it light and social.  People like people who look like they enjoy life.  Therefore, when you are out and about, instead of trying to "FIND" people who might be interested in what you're doing, just find people with whom to connect.  The conversation alone will tell you if there is a need for what you have to offer, if the person with whom you are speaking is open to any solution you may have, or if the person with whom you are talking is even open to talking about anyone other than him/herself.  Those are factors that you must acknowledge before even opening your mouth about what you may want to discuss because if any of the above are not there, you're wasting your energy! 

Then, just be casual about it.  The more intriguing it seems, the more people will want to know.  Don't word vomit all over them.  Keep it short.  Keep it simple.  Keep it interesting. And be prepared!  Be sure that if you have fliers, or business cards, or samples, or info, you have them available!  Don't hand them out before someone asks for them, and wait a few minutes before finding it, even if you know exactly where it is!  The intrigue is always exciting!

And remember to have fun.  There is not "end" point in what you do.  It's a journey, so there's no race.  Rather, it's about enjoying the endeavor and learning to love connecting with people!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Those We Love

This is what I love.  No, it's not the flowers above here, although I do LOVE the flowers.  It is when someone knows exactly what I need to feel human again.  My fiancé did an amazing job today.  I called him, frustrated, and just said I had a horrible day.  I didn't ask for anything, I just vented.  He came home and had flowers and a card.  A-MAAAAZING!!!

The point - listen.  When a friend or your partner or a family member struggles or is upset, it's not about you.  It's your job as the other half of that conversation to help build up your friend.  It doesn't mean that you have to agree with them or back them, because that won't help them grow.  What they need is support, support to grow, and support to work through their frustration.  It may be as simple as coming over to their house to just hang out. It may be a cup of coffee.  It may be a longer phone call, or a quick little "pick me up gift" like the one above.  The point, though, is just to show you care.  They don't need to be right.  They need to be supported.

Monday, February 11, 2013


So I discovered something fun this weekend: flowers!  I am SO not a flower person, but I do love the way the look in a vase.  So when I headed out to the florist this weekend to search for what flowers I was going to have in my wedding bouquet and in my table arrangements, I had a lot to learn. 

How to approach a floral bouquet:
1) Pick a starting point
I LOVE roses and lilies.  I also wanted a certain rust/orange to deep red color scheme. 

2) Bring a picture of the style of bouquet you want: you want a tightly wound bouquet or a cascading one?

3) Let the florist DO HER JOB!
Florists have a job for a reason!  Now, granted, I also don't have any idea what flowers are what past the basic tulip, carnation, rose, lily, orchid, but I also know that when someone is good at what they do, let them be good at it!  I showed her my #2 and my #1 pieces and she said "HERE" and gave me a run down of what she would use.  Within 5 mintues she had a basic working bouquet and it was gorgeous!

4) Keep in mind colors and flowers are seasonal!
So.....when she showed me the bouquet, the colors were wrong, but the flowers were perfect!  Remember to be flexible and ask to come in for a sample bouquet prior to the wedding if you really want to make triple sure the bouquet is what you want!

AND lastly, ask if they rent or if you buy the centerpiece vases.  Many people think they can take the centerpieces at weddings, so you don't want to end up with a hidden fee at the end!

Monday, February 4, 2013


Today is my mom's birthday.  Or, well, it was. 

She passed away almost 6 years ago, now, and it's amazing how time flies.  People always say time heals all wounds, and there are moments when I agree with that.  It's not that the wound heals, because that suggests that you don't notice it anymore, aside from a faint scar.  Rather, the wound becomes less pester-some.  It flairs up less, and you become able to control what was initially throbbing pain and then just a dull ache.  There even become times, admittedly, when you almost don't notice it.

In fact, I didn't remember today was her birthday until I saw my brother post on FB about it.  I had a momentary smile and then part of me thought, why dwell on the past?  I didn't even remember how old she would have been until I did some serious math.  It wasn't until later today when a student said, "Guess what today is?!  My birthday!" that I smiled widely and without even thinking said, "Nice! It's my mom's bday too!"  Then I had to pause and reflect for a moment, and realize how subconsciously that response flew off my lips.  It wasn't a sad comment.  It was like agreement.  Like someone had just said that their favorite movie was your favorite movie, and you simply smile and chime in about how awesome that is that you have it in common!

So here's to you, Mom, for your birthday.  Hope it was wonderful.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

When Registering....

So, for the first time, my fiancé and I have registered at a store.  Our first store?  Macy's!  Now, I'm not a big fan of Macy's most of the time, but when a friend told me of their Wedding Registry Sip and Shop, I thought it was worth looking into.

And let me tell you, it was!  Anyone who needs to register for a wedding - this is a MUST!  Not only are you pampered with water, coffee, "mocktails," and light appetizers, but you are also gifted with a lovely little tote bag as a thank you for coming.

Inside the tote bag?  Lot's of wonderful goodies.  I was surprised to see coupons for store items, even if not on your registry, some Godiva chocolate (I mean, seriously, who doesn't love a little Godiva?!), and the best gift of all: notes to put inside your wedding invitations!  On the back of each of the little pre-made notes are instructions for your guests on how to order and how they can earn free shipping on your wedding gift!  How cool!

So, if you're in Chicago, or near Chicago and can get to the Mother Store (aka, State Street), Friday the 8th, 15th, and 22nd of Feb and March are your next "Sip and Shop" events.  Write it on your calendar.  These are a MUST "see" event!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Make 2013 the Best

There are lots of people telling you how to make this year work.  They're throwing so much at your: Food, Fitness, Love, Life, Work, Personal Goals, etc.  Where do you start?

After lots of personal growth, personal trials, and some really great mentors, here is what I've determined is the best way to take the best 1st step to your 2013 Amazingess:

1)  Get out some really fun markers and great, big piece of paper
2)  Write:  IN 2013, I DESERVE or I WILL across the top 
3)  Throw all hesitation and the little nay-sayer out the window
4) Write EVERYTHING you wish you had the chance to accomplish / really want to do
4a) Number them
4b) Be specific!  Maybe it's not "buy a place."  Maybe it's "buy a house" or "buy a 2 bedroom house".
5)  When you think you're done, add 2 more things!
6)  If you like "frills," add a few colors or decorations to make it fun to look at.

Stick it somewhere you see it everyday:  On your wall at work, behind your computer, on your refrigerator. 

See what happens.  Your subconscious has just been given permission to "do".  Take advantage of it and believe you're worth it!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

A Happy New Year to all of the wonderful readers of and Living with B: A College Girl's Struggle with Bulimia and Everyday Life.  May 2013 bring you all the happiness you deserve!