Monday, November 11, 2013

Fill Up Your Cup

What do you do to help fill your cup back up?  And no, not that cup.  Coffee house down the street or my personal fave - my Cuisinart single brew machine - helps take care of that!  No, I mean your emotional cup - the one that fills you back up with positivity and the feeling that you are powerful, strong, important, capable, loved, and on purpose.  The one that reminds you that you do good things and you have direction in life.  That cup.  How often do you fill up that cup?

If you happen to be sitting there, one in a ....never.  That's okay.  Everyone starts some where.  My suggestion?  Read a good quote for today!  Say something positive about yourself  in the first person.  "I AM ________"  and then SMILE.  If you're more seasoned, do you have CDs or something on your iPod to tune into when you're commuting somewhere instead of the radio?  Do you read something every morning or evening to reset yourself?  Do you gather with people who push you to be better and happier? 

So I challenge you: Do something tomorrow to fill up your cup!  And then pass it on!

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