Monday, February 4, 2013


Today is my mom's birthday.  Or, well, it was. 

She passed away almost 6 years ago, now, and it's amazing how time flies.  People always say time heals all wounds, and there are moments when I agree with that.  It's not that the wound heals, because that suggests that you don't notice it anymore, aside from a faint scar.  Rather, the wound becomes less pester-some.  It flairs up less, and you become able to control what was initially throbbing pain and then just a dull ache.  There even become times, admittedly, when you almost don't notice it.

In fact, I didn't remember today was her birthday until I saw my brother post on FB about it.  I had a momentary smile and then part of me thought, why dwell on the past?  I didn't even remember how old she would have been until I did some serious math.  It wasn't until later today when a student said, "Guess what today is?!  My birthday!" that I smiled widely and without even thinking said, "Nice! It's my mom's bday too!"  Then I had to pause and reflect for a moment, and realize how subconsciously that response flew off my lips.  It wasn't a sad comment.  It was like agreement.  Like someone had just said that their favorite movie was your favorite movie, and you simply smile and chime in about how awesome that is that you have it in common!

So here's to you, Mom, for your birthday.  Hope it was wonderful.

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