Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Frank the Dog's Journey - Cloud Computing

***VIDEO: Frank the Dog's Journey Explained***

Meet Frank.  Frank is a dog, a dog who goes on a magical journey through computer cyber-land.  No, this isn't the result of a narcotic high.  This is the result of computer-age technology and the wonders of a world I have yet to fully understand.

A friend of mine today was explaining to me how his business works.  Now, usually it takes about two or three go-arounds before the concepts really stick - my brain just does not work on "business" mode - but I was having a much more difficult time understanding the concept of CLOUD COMPUTING than both of us would have imagined.  As a result, he sent me a visual tutorial.  Hence, Frank.

The overall idea is that uploading photos and information bytes is actually you storing your information in data systems all over the world, which then allow you to go back and access the information from any other computer you log onto.  Think Facebook pictures, email attachments, youtube videos....this blog even.  All of these allow you to upload something in one place and then access it wherever else you go.  Hence, the very basic overall idea of cloud computing.  Apparently some of the major companies (Google, Amazon, etc) have started creating these huge data hubs, so the competition is beginning in terms of which company will "rule the clouds", so to speak.  We may have another Zeus on our hands here pretty soon.  However, until that point, people still have their doubts about different companies capabilities.

Again, all this is very new to me and a lot to understand at once, but thanks to Frank the Dog, I understand it more.  Things now are a little....cloudier :-)

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