Monday, January 18, 2010


JPDOOP - player, winner, Buffalo Wild Wings Trivia extraordinaire.

Yes, that's right, JPDOOP received a high score of 4,326 points, beating out the competition by the smallest margin of only 200 points. Thanks to Buffalo Wild Wings, this name will forever be immortalized as the winner of the 15 question trivia game competition on January 18, 2009 at 3:00pm. A small accomplishment to some, maybe, but to my 3 friends and myself, a ego-boosting win, demonstrating hard work, concentration, and quick bbq sauce-covered fingers on a Monday afternoon. Who said lunch had to be boring?

For those of you that still haven't had the privilege of experiencing the awesomeness that is Buffalo Wild Wings, this sports-bar inspired restaurant is made famous for it's buffalo wings with 14 different sauce options and flat-screened, sports-bar atmosphere. And for those of you that maybe aren't a sports-fanatic at heart, there's always the option of getting in on the interactive games: trivia, and, at the Willowbrook restaurant, card games like Texas Hold 'em and Black Jack. These games can bring together or create competition between friends and, dare I say, other restaurant goers regardless of if you're completely sober or have maybe had one beer too many.

For my friends and me, there was only one option: Winning. #1, "gold medal" status, trivia playing champions, and we weren't leaving until we succeeded. My friend's quick-fingered tactics won her "recorder" status, and she sat clenching the game console as we all pushed our brain powers to the limit with each breaking question. Do you know which US state has the most tundra? Or what about the company that makes the Turanza EL 400? Or maybe you'd fair better with the questions: Terry Kath, a member of which band, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound? or Panama borders Columbia and what other country? These are just a few questions to rattle the brains of trivia players this afternoon.

And let me tell you, when you get the answer right, for all 1000 points possible, to one of those really tough questions, a question that makes the difference in either 1st or 2nd place status, or within a table-wide competition amongst friends, you let out a shout of triumph. It's a "no holds bars" celebration. The hands go up, the shouting sounds, and the victory "finger pointing" lets loose. And you may even find yourself on an ego trip when you get more points on a question than the table next to you.....even if it is a table of 12 year olds. Victory is victory. And ours today was "honey bbq" sweet.


  1. Well allow me to retort!January 18, 2010 at 8:51 PM

    Wow, Stephanie, that's all that can be said! Wow! You are the epitomy of "O'Doyle rules!" (If you don't get the reference, please watch Billy Madison.) Anyways, just wow Stephanie. WOW!

  2. Nah-nah-nah-nah-boo-boo. I believe is how the saying goes. While no trivia slouch myself, I don't like the boxing in that B-Dubs provides on their trivia game. Bust out some crazy questions, "How many lines are in the 6th book of Paradise Lost?" Or my favorite, "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, IF a woodchuck could chuck wood?"
