Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Your Future Home

Well known to most of us, the world is changing.  Expectations are changing, paradigms are shifting, and reality is throwing many of those "norms" for a loop.  One such "norm" is the standard house.  Maybe you love your house, maybe it's more than you happen to be able to afford anymore, or maybe you're longing to move out of your current home situation into a place of your very own.  Regardless of your standing, there is projected truth to what your future home will look like.  And I'm not talking 2056.  I'm talking as early as 2015.

Yes, that's right.  In a mere three years that lovely place you call home will shift.  Okay, so it's a bit of a lie; your current house is not going anywhere.  However, should you look to new construction, expect to see some varying standards.  Certain things will increase while others slowly vanish.  Who needs a "mud room" anymore?  Let's just make the laundry room bigger!  And living rooms?  Do you really use yours?  (honestly, do you?)  People are looking to "great rooms", where multiple areas are connected to things like the kitchen.  And, ladies, expect more walk in closets (yay!), and the probably still standard 2-car garage.

Overall, however, expect home sizes to be shrinking and to enjoy more things like ceiling fans.  People are starting to look at going green and saving money.  Small houses and less square footage allow for such savings.  Why pay to heat a room you don't use?  And in the same vein, why pay for an obnoxious AC bill when turning on the fans might do just the trick?  See, these things are catching wind in the architecture and real estate worlds.  Those things that are a concern might just be the catalyst for those changes we are so likely to see.

So, I ask, what does your future "dream home" look like?

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