Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jumper Cable Gods

First of all - YES, I DID REDO THE LAYOUT!  :-)  Google Blog created numerous new features, and I am currently trying them out until I find on that I feel echoes the essence of the blog.  But yes, a change did occur.  :-)

Ok…back to our regularly scheduled program.

Dear Jumper Cable Gods,

I would like to thank you for your amazing and speedy presence today during my insanely stupid time of need.  My new car was not blessed with the same deafening sound as my old car, and can no longer berate me with beeping ease like before.  Ergo, despite its quieted attempts to "beep" my sorry ass back to reality and remind me that I, in fact, did leave my lights on when I turned off the car, I never heard it.  Instead, I let my car light the 10 feet of pavement in front of it for all 9 hours of daylight leaving me with no battery when I returned.  Beautiful.  (I did manage to hear the angered beeping upon returning, however, but we shall currently overlook that small detail…hence why I am writing it in super-tiny print)  :-)

And, as I began to think that my only option included crying and a pathetic phone call home to the suburbs which would start with, "Um…Dad???", you sent me a loving woman and her husband, Paul, to the rescue, only a mere 10 minutes after I thought I had faced defeat.  And they had jumper cables!!   (*insert triumphant sound here*)  YES!  Soon my car no longer yelled, but hummed like before.  The engine ran.  The lights still worked, and I could actually drive the 45 minutes home!!  YAY!  So, as instructed, I shall pass on the favor to another fellow friend in need, pending I actually buy my own jumper cables first.  So, again, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

Yours truly,
Girl Who Make Stupid Car Decisions on a Seemingly Regular Basis

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