Saturday, August 28, 2010

Make Shift Migraine Solution

Lately, it seems, I've been suffering from daily migraines.  To say they've been unpleasant would be an understatement.  Like most migraines, they're debilitating, and can easily ruin any and all plans set forth for the day prior to their onset.  Usually dealing with a migraine requires a dark room and the instantaneous need for lots of ice and sleep.

Unfortunately, we're not always in such an easy-to-manage situation.  Today, I found myself out-of-home when it hit.  I don't like taking Advil or Excedrin Migraine, although I keep them on me constantly for emergencies such as this one.  I downed both tonight, which is definitely not ideal, especially for someone who is not a fan of becoming dependent on meds.  Still, knowing I was not at my own house meant I tried to prevent the migraine from worsening.

It didn't work.  :-( 

Now, granted, I was also starving (apparently a two-hour growling stomach meant I was hungry! Who knew?!), but we'll put that factoid on the side for now.  Although eating later helped, I stole away to the couch and laid down, initially.  As the house had no ice packs, a brilliant make-shift remedy ensued.  The brilliant plan, you ask?  Coke cans!  Yup, we took two coke cans from the fridge, and I propped one under my neck, placed my head on the pillow, and held the other can over my eye.  And, honestly, it was perfect!!  I didn't sleep, but the Coke cans numbed the pain just as well as an ice pack would have!!  Granted, sleeping and eating later also helped, but this was a start.

Lesson of the day?  When ice packs are few and far between, grab a refrigerated pop can! So here's to you, Mr. Coke Can, for being my temporary migraine solution!

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