Monday, August 2, 2010

Ye Ole Words and Phrases

I love hearing about new words and phrases, or local sayings - the things that give time periods, ethnic groups, or geographic locations their individuality and flair.  For example, today, after hearing about my Mad Men Contest Entry, my aunt told me I had "chutzpah".  Chutzpah!  I love that word!  It's like "gumption" or, as young people today say, "balls" or "guts".  

So, that started me thinking.  What other words and phrases do I know of that aren't really used anymore or that you haven't heard in a while?  My grandmother used to say "Lord love a duck" or "Heaves to Mergatroy" when she would get upset.  My mother would say "fiddlesticks' or "god blessed" when she didn't want to swear in front of us, or "head 'em up, move 'em out" to tell us it was time to go.  Then there's always "fixin to ________'" in the South or "learn" instead of "teach."  Some other good Jewish ones are "schmuck", "shlep", "klutz".  Some fun Chicago terms include:  "Frunchroom" for front room, "tree" of "three", "sammich" for "sandwich", etc.

What about you? Any good sayings you can remember or that you use nowadays?


  1. That's an amusing post.
    Cor / Corblimey!/ Gorblimey! Gor!
    Poss. Gee/ Jeeze!
    Expresses surprise. Oh! or Wow! closest modern equivalents. Jeeze/ Gosh/ Golly/ Gee whiz prob. closer but out-dated

    Whoa! Criminy (both rather old-fashioned)

    Def (definitive)
    Awesome!/ Rad

    Get knotted!
    I'd think probably 'Screw you' has the closest meaning

    Lay off! Cut it out!

    Not half!
    Yes! (poss.Would I! if context is right)

    Not on your nelly (CRS) Nelly Duff, puff, breath of life, life)
    Not on your life/ Not likely/ Not a chance/ Not on a bet

    My sainted aunt
    Exclamation of disbelief or surprise (don't think anything similar is current US usage)

  2. Fun!!! I remember some of those! Thanks for a good laugh as well.
