Saturday, October 30, 2010

Internet Installation

This morning we recently had Comcast come install internet in the house.  After learning how AT&T U-Verse fails where we are located (location was too far from the hub for it to be worth it), the choice to switch to Comcast was clear.  

They arrived pretty much right on time this morning.  Having worked with Comcast in the past, I know the set-up time is usually short.  However, it took 2 hours this morning.  Why?  Because they had to sit on hold with their own company for nearly and hour and fifteen minutes.  That's right.  The technicians had to sit on the phone to reach a Comcast representative for over an hour.  That blew our minds, technicians included.  Apparently the other internet companies (i.e. AT&T) have separate lines for technicians to call, but not Comcast.  Comcast puts the technicians through the regular phone lines as though they were any old Joe Schmoe customer.  How ridiculous!  Once they finally did reach a representative, the process was about twenty minutes, like we all assumed it would be.  

Just think about how much more efficient they would be if they had their own technician-line.  They could see more customers, they could service more houses, and they could be more effective.  Period.  So, Mr. Comcast CEO of customer care and technician services, on behalf of your future customers and current technicians, you should be ashamed of yourself for not thinking of this sooner.  Otherwise, you have another set of very happy customers.

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