Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Box Experience

Every now and again the universal orbs align and bring a wonderful surprise to your life.  Mine happened to be box seats to the Bulls / Bobcats game with my boyfriend and his family.  YAY!

Box seat awesomeness:  private bathroom, fully furnished with upscale bar food, stocked fridge with wine, beer, spirits, mixers, and waters (including Pelligrino!!) and three-tiered cushioned seats from which to watch the game.  The seats are noisy, inside the box itself is conversational perfection, so you decide - watch the game and cheer like the rest of the crazy crowd or do private business deals inside while watching the game on the flat-screen. I preferred the actual seats with friends.

Food was good, bubbly water was a total bonus, and the pay-for-what-you-want dessert tray overwhelmingly enticing!  I picked the M&M covered caramel apple, for which I got shit for defending my "healthy" dessert choice.  Too bad, I still stand by my healthy chocolate option, even if it was the size of Big-Foot's head!

My favorite part of the evening included the TV-time out dance scene craziness, where the game randomly starts and stops in time with the TV commercials and, although they are annoying at times, they can have some really enticing entertainment blips.  

And, of course, who can forget Benny the Bull - the gem of the Bulls team and the comical relief, because if you're close enough to be able to follow his antics.  Last night he crawled across the floor after the Luvabulls dancers, he threw some child's shoe across the front row, he picked up another child and ran him down the side of the court, he tried his backwards mid-court free-throw shot, and then he even started climbing over fans and finished by driving off on a mini-motorcycle.  It was awesome!  Somewhere between that and the dancing with friends I had an awesome, awesome time.  I would definitely recommend eating before you go if you don't like bar food, but otherwise, it's a once in a lifetime experience.  

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