Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Jobs Are Changing

Remember when you were little and your parents used to tell you, "Get good grades and study hard!  If you get into a good college you'll get a good job"?  Remember that?

Me too.  Except, you know what they told us?  Lies.  Yup, your parents lied to you, but not on purpose.  They thought they were telling you the truth because taht's what they knew.  That's what they grew up on.  

Today, however, we are facing a much different beast.  Say hello to the "No more 40 Hour Work Week" monster.  According to the article, 40-hour (or the 9-5) work week headed towards a fate similar to dinosaur:  extinction.  People are finding it harder and harder to find a "normal" job, and it's extremely common.  

The new jobs:  
1)  You either work a standard of 8-6 or longer
2) You work less than 40 hours for multiple jobs with very off-hours.

The difference?  Profiles and degrees.  High profile jobs or people often working jobs that require advanced or multiple degrees are seeing an increase in their work week whilst those with lower demand jobs with lesser degree requirements are seeing their schedules become more wonky (I like that word).  

The problem?  Often turning down a job that means either losing the position completely to someone willing to take the new hours or meet the new demands or seeing a severe cut in pay as a result.  It's a "dog eat dog" world out there folks.  Time to add a new classes to the college and high school curriculums:  "How to survive in today's world" and "Your boss really doesn't care about your self-esteem or recreational time requirements".

Or, the other option, is to join one of the many network marketing companies out there.  Network marketing is basically "word of mouth" marketing, a way of growing your business based on referrals and word of mouth.  It's a no-base-pay environment, and you have to work for what you earn, but when you own your own company you often are willing to give a little more because you get a lot more in return.  

Either way, things are changing.  The question is, what's next?

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