Thursday, January 12, 2012

Viral Videos

Like many of you who've discovered the age of the internet is a commodity you've come to take for granted as just "another part of daily life", I've found it's many uses intriguing.  It's been excellent for researching during my high school and college days.  It's helped me navigate cities I've never visited or routes I've just forgotten how to navigate in their own rites.  It's connected me to friends, co-workers, those "acquaintances" who still "Like" my Facebook status like they actually know or care enough about my life to like it in the first place.'s also produced endless hours of entertainment throughout the years, especially where Viral Videos are concerned.

You all know what viral videos are:  they are the ones you watch over, and over, and over, and...wait...yes, over again.  You send them to your friends, talk about them with people you randomly run into on the street, and hit the "play" button a bazillion times in one sitting.  Some of the ones I remember most include: The 6th grader turned famous Lady Gaga singer, a Christmas Fast Food singing video, the new Epic Meal Time, Rick Rolling, the Surprised Kitty video, anything on Ebaums World, the Lonely Island video songs, etc.  You get the picture.

Some of my personal favorites are ones that involve singing, music, anything that's comical, or something that just makes you laugh and smile a little more than you did before.  The most recent?  Obama "singing" Born This Way by Lady Gaga  "Singing" is in quotes because he doesn't actually sing anything.  It's a compilation video montage of different speech clips put together to make it appear as though he's singing the lyrics.  And it's great.  Even if you're not a fan of either person, the cutting capabilities of the group who put up the video is awesome.  If you are a fan of either person, or maybe both, it will just be that much more enjoyable.  However, it's definitely worth taking a look.  Any future graphic artists or movie makers?  Some low-budget editing going on here.  Enjoy! Maybe even sing a little.

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