Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Men Think

I had an extremely interesting 30 second conversation yesterday with my trainer. ...okay, so it wasn't JUST a 30 second conversation, but this particular part was.  I don't remember how we got on the topic originally, which could be because I was in pain doing lunges, and he was talking to keep my mind off the ouch-factor.  Pretty standard.  Ergo, however, why it's not surprising I don't remember the conversation.

Somehow, though, we got on the topic of engagements.  He goes, "there are 4 things a guy thinks about when they're with a girl, whether it's a month or a year +.  They wonder: How will she look when she gets older, what will she look like pregnant, what will she look like in a wedding dress, and how long before she expects that last one to happen."  

HA!  Love it.  I love understanding the male psyche sometimes, because it is hysterical.  I literally almost fell over mid-lunge I laughed so hard.  It wasn't even that the comment was funny.  It was actually rather enlightening.  It was that I wasn't expecting the last part of the statement.  That was the funny part, because you could just hear the stereotypical pain of "oh boy, when is that coming..." whenever wedding conversations come up before the guy's ready.  Love it.  This, is actually probably why those Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus books are so popular.  

Anyways, fun moment of yesterday, and commentary to make you smile.  Now, when will the next funny moment happen?

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