Do you ever find yourself having a brilliant idea one moment, and forgetting it later when you really meant to use it? I feel like that's been my whole week: I'd be driving somewhere and think, "Oh! That's a great topic!" and come home having (a) completely forgotten I even wanted to write and (b) when I came to remembering, forgetting that "brilliant" idea I had possessed x-amount-of-time-ago. Grr!!
And this applies to everything! Grocery store shopping, night time thoughts about your to-do list the next morning, conversation triggers that you then forget the moment you say "good-bye," or even just emails and texts to which you intended on responding to after ____ was over, and then Boom! Whoops! Forgot!!
*Sigh* So. Here is to all the "What was that thing I was going to do?"s and the "drawing a blanks" that we all face at some point during our day / week / or just life in general. Maybe next time I'll bring a mini paper and pen with me! Sometimes I forget to check the "notes" section of my phone!
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