"Good character is best taught at home by pre-setting up the example when children are young" - Keith Kochner reading from an article by his mentor.
Point: Character is something we all possess.
Point: Character is learned.
Point: Good character is both learned and a choice.
Point: The best place to teach good character is at home and starting at a young age.
While this may seem like a small, mute point to some, this is actually a far-reaching epidemic that needs to be noted. In a recent discussion I held with someone at a high school fund-raising event, a parent commented that she was "so thankful her students were attending a catholic high school because they would teach her children good discipline." .... hmmm..... think on that for a moment. This, I fear, is a backwards but prevalent way of thinking. Discipline, like character, is learned, and the best way to instill good character AND good discipline is by the parents because, guess what, parents see their children more than anyone else (in most cases...yes, I know some people reading this will point out the exceptions, so let me note that there are exceptions).
Unfortunately, more and more people are looking to a "default" parent: schools, college, employers, to teach the fundamentals of being a good person. Discipline, like character, becomes ingrained in people as they get older, and the earlier it is taught, the more likely the success rate for a GOOD turnout there is.
So, think back on how and where you developed your character. It may not be that you liked the discipline you were shown as a child, but i would bet that it helped to develop the wonderful character you possess today.
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