Monday, November 30, 2020

The Humming of Stuck Tunes

 I don't know about you all, but I find that I regularly (and I really do mean regularly) have songs stuck in my head.  As luck would have it, the parts stuck in my head are more like 4-counts, or 8-counts, and on the rare occasion, and entire chorus.  More often than not, though, it is the same one or two lines repeating themselves over and over (...and over!) again on a loop.

And if that weren't enough, these symphonic one liners often arrive the moment I awaken.  I open my eyes and the melodic dancing of a few select notes starts piping itself loudly through my conscious mind.  

Today's "ode" of choice?  "Hail Holy Queen" from Sister Act.  I actually didn't know the name of it until I looked it up, but after watching the movie this weekend on TV, I found myself opening my eyes and the tape-recorder in my head immediately blaring "Oh-Oh-Oh Oooooh, Maaaariiiiiiia.  Mother of mercy and of Love/ Wah-Oh-Oh Oooooh Maaaariiiiiiia."  And then randomly I would get "Saaaaalve, Saaaaaalve, Salve Regina".

At least I like the song.  But we are now going on 8 hours of "Wah-oh-oh" popping in my head on a near 30-second loop.

I think it's about time I pulled it up on YouTube to try to give it the space it seems to demand so it might graciously clear out.

With luck, I'll have a new song tomorrow.

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