Thursday, January 23, 2025

AOT: Broke in Your 30s vs Your 20s

I brought this up with my husband the other day, and then more recently with my friends who all seemed to echo similar sentiments.  I'm approaching 40, and as I think back on my 20s and 30s, one thing seemed odd to me in a way I hadn't anticipated.  I've always been prone to stressing about my finances, every since my mom died and we were thrown into the very real pool of being incredibly broke without her income and with her medical (and other) bills to pay off.  It happened when I was 21 and ever since then you could almost say I've been hyper vigilant about staying out of debt and above water since then.  Yes, there is some debt I had to undertake (student loans, mortgage) but my husband and I steer clear of other debt like CC debt, the kind that comes with an interest rate.  Even my student loans were a beast to pay off.

So as we were walking the other day I looked at him and said, "You know, it's funny.  I thought my 30s would be awesome because we'd 'have more money and freedom,' but like, no.  I'm not broke like I was in my 20s, but I'm broke in a new way, in an 'I'm trying to save for the future and not go into debt while also not living on ramen and saltines only and everyday' kind of way, and it's utterly exhausting."

To my surprise, he and my friends have all echoed similar scenarios back.  Yes, compound that with COVID in 2020 and a slew of other mishaps that peppered the last two decades for millennials, and it almost seems odd that we would have or should have expected anything else.  But between trying to plan for a retirement that may or may not exist and may or may not include social security, pay off student debt which feels like digging yourself out of quicksand, and for some of my friends looking at raising kids and/or going through divorce, and/or losing parents and paying estate fees and attorney fees and moving's all quite berating.  It makes me realize I should give myself and other people within a decade of my age more grace to feel numb or annoyed or frustrated or, or or...more often.  

Anyway, I hope you're finding things are going well for you, but if you feel like you're spinning in a vortex of Groundhog's Day (like the movie) and wondering when your bank account will read a number that makes you think "hey, I could splurge and not be at zero!", just know you're not alone.  Wishing you some peace in what's started as a very chaotic year as well.

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