Sunday, April 18, 2010

Rock and a Hard Place

a.k.a. - Cash and My Sanity

Ever since "The Simpson's Movie", whenever I think of the saying "stuck between a rock and a hard place" I picture Homer swinging from the construction machine.  It's a blatantly obvious visual representation of the concept, but so obvious you can't help but laugh.  I thought about that visual tonight driving home, debating with myself over what I should be doing, except that my "rock and a hard place" are better known as "cash flow and my sanity".  And, let me tell you, that was a fun merry-go-round of an internal debate.  Every argument I could muster both supported and cut the legs off either side.  I couldn't win for losing.

A little background:  a friend was originally supposed to visit this weekend, and we had been semi planning / talking about it for about a month.  I'm 24 and just starting out my life and, like everyone else right now or at least those my age, I am working to make every dollar do as much as possible.  So, as a result of knowing I would probably be exploring Chicago all weekend with my friend, I had been saving for this weekend and sort of sacrificing my personal life with the mindset that I was doing so in order to be able to really enjoy a full weekend in the city.  Unfortunately, as you all know, plans often fail and life gets in the way and it ended up that my friend wasn't going to be able to make it.  Ok.  Cool.  New plan.  

Well, turns out new plan included numerous trips in and out of Chicago for rehearsals (aka gas and pay-boxes), the beginning of college loan repayments, the realization of one very empty fridge, and the nagging need for the social life that I had been planning on for a month.  So, I tried to balance the two.  Friday I went for a late dinner with a friend close to home.  Good.  Less money on gas than another trip to the city and still a social experience (check).  Today, however, included two different 45 minute one-way drives before anything else could happen.  That alone cost me 1/3 tank of gas, leaving me just under 1/4 full, meaning I needed gas.  So here is the thought process: 

  • Gas required money, and I needed gas to go to the city for a going away party for an old co-worker.  
  • However, going into the city meant paying for parking, cover, etc. - money I didn't have if I expected my bank account to last me until my next paycheck.  
  • However, going to the GAP (going away party) meant participating in my much needed SL (social life).  
  • YET....the GAP meant a depletion of money which meant stress for Stephanie for the next two weeks trying to keep a positive bank account....which would ultimately = a blow to my sanity.  
  • However, forgoing the GAP meant more money in my pocket for needed things like food and gas, but the neglect of my already-put-on-hold-for-a-month social life = a blow to my sanity
  • BUT, if I didn't go to the GAP I could have money for something social next weekend, maybe helping the SL and the sanity next weekend?
  • However, that puts off my sanity for another week.....
And thus the vicious internal merry-go-round debate.  While I love the Homer Simpson rendition of this scenario, next time I'm hoping to get stuck between two slightly more comfortable nouns.  

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