Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conversational Tourettes

I blame the coffee.
Well, I should just say I blame Starbucks.
Ok...actually, I just blame Starbucks' coffee at 6pm.  BAD IDEA!

Has this ever happened to you?  Maybe you're naturally a chatter, maybe you're not, but have you ever found yourself in one of those moods where you literally cannot shut up?  I mean, seriously cannot. stop. talking.  There's no "pause" button.  "Stop" doesn't even exist, and someone running the network in your brain jammed the "change the channel" button.  Everything is utterly important, and you can't seem to talk fast enough to get all of the information out before you switch to another topic.  You have suddenly become the next best candidate for emceeing a live auction.   

This doesn't happen to me often.  Don't get me wrong, like everyone else, get me on the right topic and I can definitely talk, but tonight was a rarity.  I probably happily could have told the wall my life story if I wasn't already heaving involved in typing my conversational tourettes episodes to my friend via IM.  Poor thing, and it was a guy too, so I felt worse for sending him the encyclopedia version of my day.  After I finished typing and sending all the different information "channel" bytes, I looked at my computer and immediately thought, "Oh . . . yeah, he's probably going to take one look at that and say 'um, F-that' and then laugh at me," which he basically did.  Although, can you blame him? We've all been on the receiving end at some point, and, come to think of it, I would especially imagine this happens to parents often.  I give you lots of credit.
(this is basically how I felt)

Regardless, I still blame the Venti Starbucks coffee at 6pm.  We are going to completely forgo the fact that I had to decide and purchase said drink in order to drink it, because I very much like the idea of blaming a 3rd party for tonight's subsequent state of craziness.  Luckily for you, my friend, and probably the wall, I am getting tired and shall go to bed soon - although probably not before running 200 circles around my house.  Ok...obviously that's an exaggeration, but you get the idea.  Best of luck to your family and friend next time you develop CT (that would be 'conversational tourettes', just shorter).  Luckily, it's only temporary!


  1. Yeah, never been there. Unless I'm drunk.

    Even then, there is a pause button. And most of the time I tend to listen more than I talk. Unless I ruin bushes. ;)

    Don't drink coffee after 4PM


  2. Haha. Yes, I probably can't imagine you've ever been there, at least, not that I've ever seen. But you do own the bush an apology, haha. ;-)
