Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adult Swim My Funny Bone

Age can be deceiving.  My age might say twenty-something, but some days I feel like I have the mentality of a teenager.  I find the stupidest and weirdest things funny.  Granted, I also feel like if you can't find things in life funny, then, well, life will be way too painfully serious.  My goal is to laugh at least once a day, although if my daily quota were only one, then I'd have some serious re-goaling to do.  Usually, I laugh plenty.

Weekends help.  Friends help.  Friends showing me funny videos on the weekends = double help.  This is why God invented Adult Swim - for all us "old folk" who still secretly love cartoons and stupid things just as much as we did when we were seven.  Whilst sifting through mountains of videos I have giddily narrowed it down to two:  The Giraffe in Quicksand and The Gummy Bear, which is also available in slow motion.  Warning:  F-word present....but then again, why wouldn't it be?  Adult humor.  Duh.  Still.  Very Funny.  (I now feel like TBS.  Dear TBS, I would like a job.  I can say "Very Funny" on your commercials. Thanks.)

Enjoy. Laugh out loud.  Watch them again . . . and again . . . and ...uhem... I mean, um, right.  Watch them.  Share with friends.  Make someone else's weekend.  :-)

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