Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ok, bear with me.  I'm venting.

I'm sorry, but today I was beyond appalled when I pulled into the gas station.  What idiot smokes a cigarette AT the gas station?  I mean, hello!  GAS IS FLAMMABLE!  

Dumb. Ass.

And, then, to make matters worse, not only was one person being an idiot but both of the people next to me were smoking.  One woman sat in her car chatting to her friend, blowing her smoke and tapping her cigarette out the window.  The other was smoking her cigarette while washing off her car.  I literally was halfway through filling my gas tank when I started praying to whatever gas-gods exist, asking that I got out of the gas station without being blown up.  I even, and maybe not oh-so-nonchalantly, glanced around me to attempt to calculate how fast and far I could run if I saw a flame start making its way to one of their cars.  I decided anywhere between 4 and 40 feet, depending on the location of the flame and its increasing rate of speed.  Damn it! If only I'd paid more attention in math and physics during the "How to escape and save your life without getting blown up" lesson.  Stupid reality.

So, please, don't smoke while your filling up your tank, while your waiting to fill up your tank, or anywhere within 100 feet of other people filling up their tanks.  In fact, when you see a gas station, put out the cigarette.  

....actually, come to think of it ...Dear Apple, can I get an app for that?


  1. Stephanie, this post just made my day. lol/. There are idiots everywhere in this world.

  2. Steph, the chances of a cigarette starting a fire are impossible. a cig is not hot enough to start a fire, or even when oxygen is drawn into it. not saying that some people aren't anything but dumb ass holes, but you had nothing to worry about.
