Thursday, November 11, 2010

XBox Fans

So yes, I am . . . I never thought this day would come . . . but here I am, at last, discussing video games.  I can't seem to hide from the release of the newest XBox Game:  Call of Duty Black Ops.  I should probably preface, I know absolutely zippo about the game, the history of the game, or why this is such an important sequel.  I do, however, know that I cannot go out of earshot of at least one person who is talking about it:  A parent about the kid's latest craze, the kids talking about the game they played, other kids talking about other kids talking about the game, friends talking about the game for the same reasons previously listed, etc.  It's like Nitrogen in the air:  It's there.  It's inevitable.  You can't escape it, so you might as well just deal with it and figure out some way to know what the heck people are talking about.

So I did.  Yup, I did.  I actually typed the keys in the order required to look up Black Ops and see why this is such a craze.  The intro video however - AWESOME!!!  But, what can I say, I'm 4 and easily persuaded by celebrities, stuff blowing up, the subtle hints of humor, and just videos in general.    It did disturb me that a seemingly 14 year old girl was carrying a gun, but, um......yeah, she's probably 20 in real life and just looks 12.  Just saying.  A little concerning.  Otherwise, cool.  You get to blow shit up.  Also seemingly ironic it was released really close to Veteran's Day, and day a sad few people continue to celebrate considering, well, we're still a free country and that was after 2 really big world wars, a long Vietnam War, and a whole bunch of other wars today's History books forget to mention for more than a passing sentence, but, you know, it's cool.  They tried. (I guess).  

But yes, even after hearing it all, I'm still a little (or a lot) confused.  I guess I just won't ever be that gung-ho fanatic, but, if blowing things up while talking to others and working solo or in teams is your things, this is a good game for that.  (Fine print:  I am not a reliable source for the interworkings, play-mode, or content found in said game.)  And, on that note, have fun.  If you end up blowing stuff up next to Jimmy Kimmel, let me know.

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