Sunday, December 12, 2010


It's that time of year again!  Pomegranate time!!  I love this little fruit and it always in season in the winter.  You've probably seen food advertisements or displays in food magazines announcing how you can use this delicious red fruit in holiday displays and delicious dishes.  Maybe you already know of this fruit from the variety of juices available at markets, but if you haven't tried the actual fruit itself, well, you're missing out.

For starters, it's a big red ball, just in case you are one of the numerous people who don't know what it looks like.  Inside, the pomegranate seeds are attached to walls of skin like honeycombs.  They're difficult to pull out, and it's best you wear old clothes or an apron, as their juice will definitely stain anything it touches.  However, the seeds are worth the work.  I've been told halving the fruit and soaking it in water can loosen the skins, but I can't seem to get that trick to work.  Regardless, the seeds are delectable.  I spent most of today picking at them all day.  They have a "punch" if you will, when you first bite into them - an explosion of flavor that is the perfect combination of sweet and tart.  

If not alone, they're great in cereals, oatmeal and jams.  I've enjoyed them in salads and fruit dishes, floating around in champagne like strawberries, and even topping rice pudding and yogurt.  I even introduced my boyfriend to them, and he's converted!  I recommend you do the same, but try them now, while they're in season.  They're no good after the winter season is over.  Fine eatings to you and yours.  If you're not a big fruit person, they're always great as holiday decorations!!

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