Sunday, July 3, 2016

30 Days Better Challenge. Month 2. Sex

Alright.  It's month 2.  As denoted, we are on to the second wave of "30 days better" and given the list of things I wanted to do, and the timing of my period, my husband and I decided it was a good time for the "sex" month.  We are now on day 3.

Some things I've noted already:
  • While he's always/usually 'in the mood', he has been overly eager these last few days.  That has been fun.
  • On Day 1, he and I got into a tiny spat in the middle of the day.  I realized that there are going to be days when I won't be 'in the mood' but will have to find a way to 'get through it'.
    • What does that mean?  Well, I think it's going to have to mean learning to forgive better than we currently do.  I mean, how many times do you stay angry at your significant other over something that, long term, really doesn't make a difference?  How often do you react to something in the wrong way not because of what actually happened but because of the mood you were already in when it came up?
    • These are the things that I think are going to get tested more these next 27 days more than anything else
  • We will have to find new and exciting ways to make sex interesting, so it's not the same thing, same position, same time all the time.  Sure there's a bit of variance in our current sex life, but I think it's less exciting and invigorated than it could be.  I'm sure we'll be exploring a bit so it doesn't feel like a routined chore by day 15.
And just because it happened to be really good timing, we were watching Eat, Pray, Love this morning.  If you haven't seen it, (and I like the movie much better than I like the book), there's a part in Bali when she meets the healer Wayan who comments on the fact that Liz clearly hasn't had sex in about a year.  She says her cartilage is clearly stiffer than it should be, and that when you have sex it keeps the joints loose and limber.

Well, hey, look at all the apparent health benefits of this next month!  Woot!

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