Happy 15th day of month 2!
I took a beautiful little nap after dinner tonight. I attribute it fully to the fact that I passed on my coffee/tea today and yesterday I had 2 half-caf americans from Starbucks. Up until 1pm I didn't even notice that I hadn't had any yet, and then suddenly I got really tired. Since it is Friday and I had nothing to do this evening, I figured I'd give my body a break from caffeine and just skip it, tired or not.
Well, it hit me at 6pm, and I just couldn't stay awake any longer. It was time for a nap. Off to sleepy-time I went...
Then I woke up about an hour later, refreshed. Oddly enough? One of my first thought when I woke up was, "mmm, sex would be really nice right now". It didn't even seem odd at to think it, rather something as commonplace as, "what should I have for dinner?" or "wow, it's getting dark out".
When my husband realized I was awake, he promptly asked if I was up for having sex. The timing made me laugh. And you know what? It was really enjoyable and immensely fulfilling - so much better than the sex we had yesterday. My guess? Because subconsciously I had decided it was something I wanted, something as basic and needed as food, air, or exercise.
I like this me. Hopefully she'll stick around!
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