Thursday, May 5, 2011

¡¡Cinco de Mayo!!

¡Feliz Cinco de Mayo y un saludo a todos!  Por favor, recurede que hoy no tiene que ver con la independencia mexicana (independencia de españa en 1810) sino que la guerra los franceses.  Entonces, cuando bebe la margarita y está comiendo las enchiladas, tacos, y flan, ¡Haga un saludo a la cultura mexicana!  ¡Qué buen día!

ok...and for those of you who looked above and thought..."Oh shit.  What language is that?" I shall translate:

Basically, Happy Cinco de Mayo!  And just in case you didn't know, NO, this holiday is NOT about Mexico gaining independence from, no, and double no.  This holiday has to do with celebrating mexican culture as it pertains to the Mexican's fight against the french and Napoleon, the then dictator of Mexico.  So, while drinking on margaritas and chowing down on some well deserved tacos and enchiladas, salute the mexican culture and their incredible ability to stand up for themselves every 100 years.  :-)  ¡Olé!

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